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I ran in my house and quickly ran up stairs to get ready the only problem I have is what to wear?? .. THIS!

II quickly put this on and threw on some mascara then went downstairs to wait on Jacob

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II quickly put this on and threw on some mascara then went downstairs to wait on Jacob

"Hey Tay ..uhm Jackson stopped by earlier and I sent him to the'd it go"dad asked

"Oh well he won't be coming back ...and by the way I have a friend that's gonna take me to the beach today....I'd like you to meet him " I said

"Sure...where is he?"dad asked
Then there was a knock on the door
"There he is"I said and I opened the door to a REALLY HOT LOOKING JACOB
"Hey Jacob"I said
"Hey you look good"he said
I'm kitterally dying on the inside hahhahhahahhaha.
"Thanks so do you "I said
Jacob came in the house to my father who had his eyebrow raised at him
"Dad" I said
"Nice to meet you sir..Taylor and I are just gonna hang out on the beach with a few friends if that's alright"Jacob said
Wow he's so good at talking
"Anything you do to my daughter I will do to you"my dad said
"DAD!NO ITS NOT LIKE THAT...Jacobs just a friend"I said
Jake laughed
"Yeah that's what they all say"dad said
"Uhm...I'm gonna let that one slide ..cmon jake"I said leading  Jacob out the door

"He...uhm....well" I don't have any words
"Trust me I don't intend on hurting you so were straight"he said
As straight as a circle
Jacob got on a motorcycle..I'd imagine its his and nodded for me to get on
"So many motorcycle people don't you own a car"I laughed and I got on
"I have a car but this is so much more fun" he said
I blushed a deep red as I held on to his middle
when we got to the beach Jacob said "come meet everyone*he said
We went down to a bonfire pit and I saw .. Five shirtless...kinda slightly soaked hot guys
""I said
The guys smiled at Jacob and said hello
"Taylor this is Quill,Embry,Paul,and jared ...Collins is running around somewhere??"Jacob said
"Uh nice to meet you are you not freezing that water has to he cold as hell"I said trying to avoid looking at all their was soo hard!

They kinda tensed up
"Uhm...let's take a walk"Jacob said
"Sure"I said
When we where out of  sight of the guys Jacob spoke
"Sorry Leah and the girls decided to go shopping instead of join us but ...I'm hlad your here even if you are surrounded by a bunch of hotheaded shirtless dudes"Jacob said
I laughed
"They are all very...well excersized ...and..Tan like you and I but...that's weird"I said
Its LA Push...and they are really tan is starting to go away fast due to the lack of sun but I'm usually pretty tinted ...and they got in the water ...IT'S FEBUARY!

"Quielliette...Indian that's what the tan colour comes from and excersizing is just regular for us.."Jacob said
"OK that's better than my offense but imaged steroids and tanning beds"I said laughing
"I can see how that may work in your mind "he said

I looked at Jacobs face ...his eyes a soft brown colour and his hair was a soft black laying clean cut on his head ...he really looked and seemed absolutely perfect
"What cha looking at?"he asked
"Uhm...nothing Just...uhm"I stumbled over my words
"Its alright don't crawl in a hole and die ...I know I'm sexier than bieber"he said
I laughed and blushed deep red
"What makes you think that"I laughed
He stopped and looked at me
"The way you have been glancing at me all day since we spoke and blushing at the stupid stuff I say ..its cute...I kinda like it"he said
"I only glance because your like a stalker"I said blushing hard at the way he called me cute
He chuckled 

The rest of the day we talked and talked and he quickly became really important to me

"So maybe you could possibily repair an entire engine ..can you change your oil??"Jacob said
"I can change my damn oil Jake I can also rip your tounge out of your mouth with a socket wrench for calling me dumb"I laughed
He smiled then there was an akward silence ...Jacob looked into my eyes and I looked into his ....he gazed into my eyes like I was all that mattered and I swear I saw his eyes widen

Is it weird that I just kiss him right now?
Yeah probably
But I don't care if I'm weird

I put my hand on Jacobs cheek and leaned up giving him a soft kiss on the lips ...please don't have a bad reaction please please HE IS REALLY WARM !!!!!!!!! This dude is a heater!!just kiss me back
Jacob cupped my cheek and returned the soft kiss on my lips and smiled
"You've messed up....your mine now"he said softly
"I think I'll be okay with that"I say in the same quiet tone with a smile
Then I  felt a REALLY STRONG wind pass by me and Jacob looked very tense
"We need to get you home,..your dads probably worried sick"he said and guided me back to his motorcycle giving the shirtless boys a weird look
"Ahhh shit!"Paul said before running down the beach with the rest of the boys
Jacob and I got on his motorcycle and drove me home at a really fast rate
When we got there I got off and said "okay what's happening???"I said
"I'll tell you soon but for now go inside and lick the door"he said
And got back on his bike speeding.out of the driveway
"Jacob! What are you talking about?!"I said

Whatever I guess I have to trust him
I went inside and locked the wasn't home but he left a note saying he had work late ...this is weird ...what's Jacob talking about ...I need sleep head hurts

I fell into a quick sleep but awoke very fast at the same amount of wind pass by
When I opened my eyes there was a pale red headed woman on my ceiling with blood red eyes
"WHAT THE HELL!!!"I Yelled
"You smell like the Alpha dog's imprint bad for HIM!!"She said
"WHAT! WHO ARE YOU. .WHY ARE YOU ON MY CEILING... THIS IS NOT HALLOWEEN !!WHATS AN ALPHA!!!WHAT AN IMPRINT"I said in a big clutter as the woman backed me into my window
"You'll do nicely for bait!"she said I was SCARED
I looked down the window and kicked the lady back and jumped out the window falling off the side of my house
I closed my eyes as I fell down into JACOBS ARMS???????
Then the woman came out of nowhere
"AHGHHH HOW DID!!"I stumbled over words
"Taylor...get back"Jacob put me back on the ground
"WHAT!??"I said
"JUST DO IT"he said
That reminds me of a Nike commercial but I backed up behind him in terror
Jacobs body started steaming ...LIKE LAGIT STEAM CAME OFF HIS BODY!
Then he transformed into a huge WOLF!!!!??!!!!!!!!
The wolf ...or Jacob?...groweled and snarled at the red head until she finally ran off at superhuman speed then Jacob turned to me in a wolf like form
"Jake??????"I asked
The wolf nodded its head then disappeared into the forest
No answer ...I just paced around my driveway for a second then I heard leaves rustling I picked up a eick and threw it at the rusting noise
Jacob appeared with a pair of sweatpants on and ...shirtless omigosh he looked so good shirtless but I needn't worry about that he just turned into a GIGANTIC DOG
He came close to me
"What.....just happened"

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