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Jake got better after about a week and I moved in with Charlie....Bella had already moved in with the Cullen's ....Charlie was sad that my dad died and sad and happy for Bella and Edward....I kinda feel bad for him ...
His daughter is marrying a vampire


I went to Jacobs house to Hang out with him and before I could open the door he stormed out  and WEDDING WTF !!!!!!
"JACOB"I called after him....he didn't listen ..."JAKE...come...back...please"I trailed off to myself ...
I can't catch him so there is no reason to run after him ....especially after he phased in mid sprint ...
"He'll be back" Billy assured me
"I know....well do you need anything Billy???" I asked him
"Nope all good here" he said ...I know he's worried about Jacob  but I just let it go ....Jake needs to cool off and come back when he is ready ...he won't take this lightly but he will be back....eventually...
It was raining now ...well hell ... I wheeled Billy back inside then I left on my motorcycle and went 'home' to charlie

He was watching baseball
"Hey uncle Charlie....can I get you Anything?" I asked him
" nah...thanks for the thought tho Taylor" he said
I nodded and went up to my room ...or Bella's old room pretty much  ....and I layed on the bed and waited ....just waited and waited for Jake to come back ....

Its an hour before the  wedding now...and Jacob still has not returned ....what if I had a heart attack or something right now....would Jake know...
Nope !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No don't think that ...
He would come back for you

....because he loves you
I hope
I got into my dress was simple

it was simple

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Ugh...I don't really want to go to this wedding alone but ....oh well I'm brave and Charlie's going to so I'll just ride and sit with him I guess
Charlie and I got to the wedding a few minutes early and I went to talk to the rest of Jacobs pack
" have you seen him....heard him ...anything"I asked Paul
"Nah...we chased him all the way to the Canadian border trying to get him to come back but he refuses ....he'll be back tho trust me ...Jacob can't live without his Taylor"Paul said
"Thanks Paul" I said giving Paul a friendly hug
"No problem" he said ....then the wedding started  ....blah blah ...uhgh . .eww ...awe...
Then the reception ...
I sat at a table by myself and just waited around to see Jakes handsome face hut instead Edward comes up to me
"Would you like to dance" he asked
" sure...why not" I said
I took Edwards hand and his shoulder ...him taking my hand and my middle ..
Good man ed good man!💪
After dancing around for a second I asked
"Where is Bella"
"With Jacob" he said
"HES BACK??!??!????"

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2017 ⏰

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