Camping trip?

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"Babe! Babe! Jake!"I pushed my mate into the floor to wake him up
"Shit"he groaned
"You don't want the lack to be late for battle today do we?"I said
"No but your coming with us...its better for us to know if one another is okay"Jacob said
"And what can I them a blst from the past and try not to get killed?" I said sarcastically
" can camp with your cousin to make sure she doesnt freeze to death and can also sit there and look pretty for me"he said
" I'm flattered but who's gonna keep me toasty" I asked jokingly
"The Alphas baby is always taken care of"he said with a smile
We got up and put on some clothes

you can also sit there and look pretty for me"he said " I'm flattered but who's gonna keep me toasty" I asked jokingly "The Alphas baby is always taken care of"he said with a smile We got up and put on some clothes

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I wore this   I went downstairs to lie to my dad

Yeah sounds horrible I know but I can't just tell him I'm going to help battle newborn vampires
"Hey dad I'm going to hang out with Gray this week is that okay" I said
"Sure"dad said
"K bye I love you pops" I said as I left the house to see jacob standing at the and of the driveway with his Volkswagen Rabbit... Its cold and I told him I did not want to ride on the motorcycle
"Hey goodlookin can I get yo digits"Jacob joked
"Ask my wolf"I said
He laughed
I got in the passenger seat and we drove to meet Bella and Edward ...we had to leave our car at the base of the mountain and walked the rest of the way ...well Jake walked I rode on his shoulders driving him crazy I picked up half of Edward and Bella's conversation
"I just ...want him to have a clear head" Bella said
Apparently Jake heard to
"Who's head's unclear?" He asked
"Nobody's I hope " Bella said
Edward kissed Bella's head then disappeared into thin air .
"Somethin up??" Jake asked Bella
"Just a bunch of vampires trying to kill me that's all" Bella said
"Same old,same old"Jake said
"I guess we better get going ..or Dracula will freak"Jacob said .
I laughed and got off Jakes shoulders so that he could carry ...Bella.  Ughhhh
Bella climbed in Jakes arms when he picked her up. .
Makes me want to spit nails!
Calm...happy thoughts Tay ...happy thoughts
I walked beside them and then a thought hit me
"OH SHIT!"I said
"What"Bella asked
"What is it"Jacob said
"If we are supposed to be covering Bella's scent...keeping us both safe ...Victoria can still recognize mine if she's looking for me to" I said
Jacob looked worried
..."hopefully mine and Edwards scent will be enough to mask both of yours"Jake said
"I guess we'll just have to rely on that then" I said
Jacob nodded and we went back to walking up the mountain ..
Bella got off of Jacob ..finally and I went to ask Edward a question
"Edward"I said
He looked at me"if Victoria is looking for both Bella and I m..won't she recognize my scent to"I asked
"Considering The Alpha is practically your lounge chair I don't think she can smell passed that because .....I don't really know what your scent is because you smell so much like Jacob"Edward said
"Alright...just making sure"I said
Edward nodded and showed us around the tent camp site thing
"Bella and Taylor have a sleeping bag inside so they don't freeze and I highly doubt that you and I will be doing any sleeping so we'll take turns watching over them"Edward said to Jacob
Jacob nodded as if to say 'alright'
  That's when I got ....the phone call

My phone rung and I answered with "Taylor speaking" I said .

"Yes,ms.Natashi...I'm afraid I have some bad news regarding your father"a man said

"What kind of bad news!?"I asked  worried
" in a better place...we found him three hours ago shot in the head with the gun beside him " he said

I hung my phone up and put it in my Back pocket
"You okay?" Jacob asked
I didn't speak
"Her father ..killed himself "Edward said reading my mind
I started to cry ...tears of anger and sadness at the same time
Jacob embraced me in a hug and I cried into his chest  ...he's gone dead...along with my mother ...I have nobody other family except for Bella and Charlie...I cried into Jacobs chest remembering all the things my dad has done for me...and all the stuff we did together... He worked a lot but when he was home we usually hung out together ...ate pizza and watched baseball games on the flat day we where bored and went around new York smelling dog shampoo... I miss my daddy now...more than ever
"Its okay....your gonna be okay"Jacob said
I stopped crying after a while and just sat in the tent in emotion ...then Bella entered
"Hey...Taylor I'm SO sorry...if I lost my mother and father I wouldn't know how to deal with it...if there's anything I can do to help let me know"Bella said
I would have to go to the foster system....since I am only 16 it wouldn't be a good one
"Bella....I have nobody"I said
"Hey..hey have me....Charlie, have us" she said
I just nodded ...clearly she didn't understand
"bella I'm going to have to leave...I have nobody willing to take custody of me." I cried a little
I can't leave Jacob...I can't leave La Push ...they would have to kill me to get me out of here
"Hold that thought"Bella said  walking out of the tent with her phone
I heard her call someone but I was to sad to care who then she came back in
"Good news!" She said
"What?" I asked
"Adam left you to don't have to go far...just over the treaty line ..and charlie won't mind to take care of you...he loves His brother Adam and Adam loves'll be okay"Bella said
I smiled a little. ..
"Thank you Bella...your really a great cousin" I said giving her a hug
"Charlie will help you get your stuff from the house after this is all over...I know its gotta be rough but...don't kills Jacob to see you cry ..I think he's out there crying because your crying"Bella said
I laughed and went out to tell Jake
He wasn't crying but he looked sad
"Well Charlie is gonna let me live with him and really I only have to cross the treaty line to Forks" I said trying to he a little cheerful
"I'm sorry and I will walk my Wolfy ass across that line Every day to see you"Jacob said
I laughed "okay"I said
I noticed the wind hit my face was getting cold as hell
"You two should go inside for the night...its getting cold..I'll stay in first"Edward said to me and Bella then to Jacob

I saw Jacob roll his eyes then he ran to check the perimeter and Bella,Edward and I went in the tent  and got comfortable well at least I did

"The Alpha huh ...scoring big are we??" Bella asked
"Go big or go home I guess" I laughed
"If you can't run with the big dogs then get off the porch"Edward Joked .
I laughed ...I'm pretty sure Ed called me an Alpha white but the way he said it was funny
The wind started to pick up outside and Bella and I where feeling far away from toasty

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