Chapter 15

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"The... survivors?" Howard took a step back and turned to look at all the people that flooded the hall. His eyes wandered around, scanning all the faces.

"Did the cutters attack it?" Pandora asked him.

Frederick shook his head. "The earth shook. Somehow, it was so violent or occurred in just the place to make the river change course. We aren't certain how, but the coast of the Fount was hit by several large waves. The river that surrounds us swelled up the banks. Everything is under water or was so when we all departed."

"How many made it out?" Gregor asked.

"It is difficult to say," Frederick said. "They made us all sign a register when we entered the palace. If you want an exact count, I would check there. I believe there are still others coming in; those who lived closer to the heart of the city – the last area to flood. Those who were on the banks when it started... it pains me to say this... but I do believe everyone there perished."

"This is terrible," Pandora said. "This is awful, terrible, horrible news. First the cutters... then the Fount."

"With the stingers and spinners taking refuge here already," Frederick said, "There's not much room for us. Regalia certainly is our last defense."

"So it is," Howard said, still looking around at everyone with an astonished look on his face. "How? How could this have happened? In addition to everything else. It's all so bleak."

"We have to find Luxa. Or Vikus or Mareth. Somebody. We need to talk to them right away," Pandora said, continuing down the hallway and pulling Howard and Gregor behind her. Howard was from the Fount. There could have been so many people that he knew... or his own family... that could have died. It all sat heavily in Pandora's stomach.

Pandora didn't see Gregor ask anyone, but he announced that Luxa was in the war room. "With the flyer general, Eurymedon," he said. "And Mareth. That's where we should go first."

Howard still seemed lost, but Pandora held tightly onto his hand as they pushed their way down the overcrowded hall. He was obviously overwhelmed, but Pandora was determined. They were going to come up with a plan, and they were going to help Regalia, even if it was something as simple as passing out blankets.


Gregor pushed past Pandora and Howard and led the way down a stairwell. Even in the crowded halls, it didn't take them long to reach the war room.

Those in the halls that recognized him gave him his space. He could tell some of those from the Fount had never seen him in person before, and they stared with wide eyes. Those who sat on the floor with their legs outstretched quickly bent their knees to give him room to pass.

Gregor hoped they weren't expecting him to magically fix everything. Of course, he would love to help those from the Fount who lost their homes, but he couldn't possibly pull the city out of the water! Helping the Fount as much as he feasibly could was the only course of action he would be willing to take; the only type of community service he could commit to wholeheartedly. The other service was the war, and although Regalia truly was the last defense, he was still hesitant to step onto the battlefield. It wasn't his place anymore. His role in Sandwich's prophecies were over. He could make up his own fate now.

"Luxa?" he called as he entered the war room. He saw her staring blankly at a map drawn out on parchment on the long table.

"Gregor!" She tore herself from the table and walked swiftly to the door, arms outstretched for a hug. They had only been gone a few days, but Gregor had missed Luxa so much. Five years seemed to pass in the blink of an eye but, now that he had returned, a few days felt like a lifetime. He was glad she was more relieved to see him than she was angry.

Underland Chronicles: 2 - The Reaper's Gate (A Gregor the Overlander FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now