Chapter 26

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Someone moved the curtain that blocked the hallway from view, and Pandora looked up from her journal to see who it was. She saw Luxa's eyes staring back at her.

"Uh, hi," Pandora said, leaving her pen in her journal, closing it, and placing it on the table beside her. "Come in."

"Greetings," Luxa walked into the room and took a seat. "Do you have a moment?"

"I've got plenty of moments," Pandora said. "There's not much else to do."

"If you don't mind, I'd like to talk to you about something."

"Sure. What's bothering you?"

"I didn't say..."

"I can tell," Pandora said.

Luxa stopped for a moment and began again. "I am worried Gregor will leave."

Pandora remembered Gregor coming into her room, haunted by the same idea. Should he leave? Would it be okay if he did? What would he tell his sisters if he stayed? It was something along those lines... and Pandora couldn't remember what she said to him, if she had said anything at all.

"When he left so many years ago, it left me confused. We were still so young, but we cared for each other very much. And now, when we are around each other, everything is so..."

"Awkward?" Pandora suggested. "Like neither of you know what the other is thinking?"

"Yes," Luxa said. "Exactly like that. I don't know if he even thought about me for all these years. He has probably had other girls he has cared about. Would he still have feelings for me now?"

"Well, do you still have feelings for him?"

"When Gregor left, it was as if a part of me went with him. I did not feel the same. If I told him the truth now, and he decides to go back to the Overland, it might happen all over again."

"So, you're scared of admitting your feelings. In case it leaves you with a broken heart."

Luxa was silent and stared down at the bed. Pandora took it to mean that she had hit the nail right on the head.

"But what if he decides to leave because he thinks you don't love him?"

Luxa's eyes got wide and her head jerked up to look at Pandora. "You are right. Why didn't I realize that?"

"Sometimes it takes a fresh pair of eyes to see what's in front of you. And most of the time, being honest and sharing your feelings is the best road to take." Pandora sighed and bit the inside of her cheek. "I guess I'm one to talk. I should be listening to my own advice... Luxa, if you see Howard in the hall after you leave, can you ask him to come see me when he can, please?"

"Of course," Luxa said with a nod. "Thank you, Pandora," she said as she stood.

Pandora smiled warmly at the queen. "No, thank you!" Luxa returned her smile before exiting.

Before picking up her journal and resuming her work, Pandora took a minute to think over what just happened. It wasn't every day that Luxa decided to talk to Pandora for personal advice. She remembered how they used to not care for one another. They always got on each other's nerves and acted like complete opposites. It was nice to have Luxa as a friend though, and Pandora was glad they both warmed up to each other.

Underland Chronicles: 2 - The Reaper's Gate (A Gregor the Overlander FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now