Chapter 27

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"Gregor, we need to talk," came a commanding voice from behind him.

Gregor turned to see Luxa approaching. What did she mean, "we need to talk?"

Looking at her questioningly, Gregor asked, "right now?"

Luxa stopped a few paces away from him and crossed her arms. "Come again?"

"I mean... sure," he scratched the back of his head. He should have known she would take an attitude with him after what he said to her the last time they'd talked. She had been upset, and now she had obviously come up with exactly what to say back to him.

Luxa guided him to a more private area on the floor and then turned him around to face her.

"Look before you say anything," Gregor began, lifting his open hands up in defeat. "I just want to let you know..."

Luxa cut him off with the wave of a single hand. "Gregor, I know the decision you had to make was difficult. I entrust you put a lot of thought into it beforehand. I am also grateful you were upfront with me and told me as soon as you had decided. You are right... family does come first."

"Great," Gregor said. "But I..."

"I was upset at first, but it was for selfish reasons. I did not want you to leave again. To be truthful," Luxa said with a shrug, "I still do not. I have come to the realization that... that I..."

Luxa took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Gregor raised his eyebrows expectantly. "That you're... sorry?" He tried to help.

"That I love you!" She blurted in frustration, her frown indicating that she didn't like Gregor speaking for her. "I love you, Gregor. I want you to be happy. And if that means you choose to return to the Overland and be with your family... to focus on you and your studies and your future... then I wish you well."

"Luxa... thanks. I mean..."

"I want nothing but the best for you."

"Of course, but..."

"And if that means we are never to be together, then..."

"Luxa!" Gregor exclaimed, physically placing a hand over her mouth to get her to stop talking. At first, Luxa looked surprised, then she looked angry that he had placed a hand on her face. Within the span of three seconds, her expression softened and she didn't try to slap Gregor's hand away. She must've known she had been carrying on. Gregor knew it was finally his turn to speak. "I'm staying," he said.

Gregor slowly removed his hand. Luxa looked shocked. She stood there for a moment with her mouth open slightly and her eyes unblinking. "You're... what?"

"How stupid would I be if I left my best girl behind... again?" Luxa's surprised expression slowly turned into a huge smile. "I love you, Luxa. I can't leave you."

In an instant, Luxa lunged forward and pulled Gregor into a hug. He lost his balance, but the way Luxa pressed into him kept them both from falling over. With her arms wrapped tightly underneath his arms, Gregor placed his hands on her lower back. Gregor didn't know how long they stood there, embracing one another.

Gregor started pulling away, one hand reaching up to cup Luxa's cheek. As she was backing away, Gregor put his lips onto hers. They stood like that for a while, gently kissing in a quiet area of the palace. If anyone had walked by, Gregor didn't hear them. He didn't care.

"If it's alright with you," Gregor said to her after their embrace melted into handholding. "I'd like to go up to New York City one last time. I want to call my parents and tell them what I've decided. I want to hear my sisters one last time."

Underland Chronicles: 2 - The Reaper's Gate (A Gregor the Overlander FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now