A night out Part 3

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Dylan walked down stairs at 7 in the morning and saw Sonia watching tv looking sad so he walked over and sat next to her.

What's wrong sis ? Dylan Asked Sonia

Everything. Sonia Said

Still angry that me and Jake are fighting ? Dylan Asked Sonia

Well you and Jake are fighting Sam has been hanging out with Vincent most of the time now and Fred and Jenny just avoid everyone. Sonia Said

Wanna come over to Helen's with me for the party she's having ? Dylan Asked Sonia

Fine. Sonia Said

Sonia got up to walked away but Dylan grabbed her.

Is something else bothering you ? Dylan Asked Sonia

I think Jake's cheating on me. Sonia Said

What makes you think that ? Dylan Asked Sonia

Sam sent me a picture of him with another girl. Sonia Said

Sonia started to cry well Dylan eye's went red.

I'M GOING TO KILL THAT FUCKER!!!!!!!!!!! Dylan Yelled

Dylan ran out of the house and down the street.

Shit. Sonia Said

Dylan ran up to the door to jake's house and knocked on the door then jake opened the door.

What do you want ? Jake Asked Dylan Angrily

Are you cheating on my sister ? Dylan Asked Jake

No. Jake Said

TELL ME THE FUCKING TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dylan Yelled

Fine I am I've been wanting to break up with her for a while now. jake Said

Dylan punched Jake in the face and Jake fell over then Dylan jumped on him and started punching him left and right. then got up and took a picture of him.

I'm done if you ever come over to my house or near my sister ever again I'll kill you got it. Dylan Said

Yes. Jake Said weakly

Dylan walked home to see a worried Sonia Waiting for him in the front yard.

What happened ? Sonia Asked Dylan

Dylan took out his phone and showed the picture to Sonia.

WHAT DID YOU DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sonia Yelled

I Defending your honor. Dylan Said

Did you have to beat him up like that. Sonia Said

Yes and he did cheat on you and has been for a while now. Dylan Said

Sonia started to cry then Dylan pulled her into a hug.

I'm sorry. Dylan Said

It's fine let's just get ready for the party. Dylan Said

                                         A FEW HOURS LATER

Dylan and Sonia walked out of there house and started walking to Helen's house when her house came into view it looked like a mansion.

She lives in a mansion. Sonia Said Shocked

Natasha told me she was rich and lived in a mansion when we were hanging out but I didn't think Helen's house would be this big. Dylan Said Shocked

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