Blackout Part 14

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Sonia and Jenny ran into the living room.

What the hell happened ? Sonia asked Dylan

It's storming pretty bad right now so that's probably it. Dylan Said

Lightning ran over to them.

Are you ok baby ? Lightning asked Sonia

Yes but It would be nice to cuddle a little. Sonia Said

Sonia and Lightning walked over to the couch and cuddled.

I'll go get some candles where are they. Fred Said

Ummm upstairs hallway closet. Dylan Said

Fred ran upstairs to get the candles.

So are you ok Jenny ? Dylan Asked Jenny

Yes I just want you and Holly to leave me alone. Jenny Said

Jenny walked over and sat in front of the couch.

What's her problem. Dylan Said

Don't know baby but I want you to add me on face book kay. Holly Said

Sure honey. Dylan Said

Jenny put her head down well Sonia looked down at her sad.

So what do we do now ? Sam Asked Sonia 

Sonia thought for a minute then smiled.

Well play truth or dare. Sonia Said

Umm om I guess. Sam Said

Fred walked back downstairs and and put the candles in places and lite them.

There we go. Fred Said

So are you guys ready. Sonia Said

Ready for what ? Fred Asked Sonia

To play truth or dare. Sonia Said

Sounds like fun. Fred Said

Everyone sat down.

I'll go first so Dylan truth or Dare. Sonia Said

Umm dare. Dylan Said

Ok take all your clothes off except for your underware. Sonia Said

Dylan blushed.

What are you serious. Dylan Said

Gotta do it. Sonia Said

Fine. Dylan Said

Dylan took off all his clothes except his boxers making Jenny blush and Holly smile.

Baby you have a nice bod. Holly Said

Thanks. Dylan Said      

Jenny kept staring at Dylan and blushing and sweating.

OMG HE'S SO FUCKING HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jenny thought to herself

Jenny closed her eyes.

What's wrong with Jenny ? Dylan asked Sonia

Sonia smirked at her.

She's doing just fine anyways Holly you're up. Sonia Said

Truth. Holly Said

Ok what's worst thing you have ever done. Sonia Said

Well It would have to be when I showed everyone nudes of Jenny. Holly Said

Wait you did that. Jenny Said

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