I'm sorry I left you alone Part 12

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Sonia was lying on her bed and crying when Rick and Lilly came in with a serious look.

Sonia where's your brother ? Rick Asked Sonia

I don't know. Sonia Said sadly

Rick sat on her bed.

What's wrong princess ? Rick Asked Sonia

Well promise you won't get mad at me. Sonia Said

I promise

Sonia side and looked at her father.

Dylan ran away with Helen to who knows where last night. Sonia Said

Rick and Lilly's eyes widened.

Are you serious ? Lilly asked Sonia

Sonia nodded her head yes.

Dammit we have to find him and bring him back. Rick Said

Rick and Lilly ran out of sonia's room and Sonia got up and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

Dammit brother why did you have to make things so fucking complicated. Sonia Said to herself 

Sonia walked out of the bathroom 10 minutes later and walked downstairs and saw the cops in the house talking with Rick and Lilly and decided to go for a walk and ran into Jake.

Oh hey Jake. Sonia Said

Hey Sonia I heard that the cops were at your house. Jake Said

They are because my stupid brother ran away with helen. Sonia Said

Jake looked at Sonia shocked.

Why the hell did he do that ? Jake Asked Sonia

Well I tried to push the Helen sam problem and he ran away with Helen. Sonia Said

Sonia let me tell you something the heart wants what the heart wants and you can't do anything about that. Jake Said

So you're telling me that I should have never gotten involved in it aren't you. Sonia Said

Jake shrugged his shoulders.

See you Sonia I'm gonna go hang with my girl Emma. Jake Said

Jake and Sonia went their separate ways Sonia walked over to trailer park where Lightning lived and up to his trailer and knocked on the door and a Man with a black mullet and a beard and mustache wearing sunglass opened the door.

Who are you ? The man Asked Sonia

I'm Sonia your son's girlfriend. Sonia Said

The man smiled.

It's nice to meet you Sonia I'm thunder's father my name's butch. butch Said

It's nice to meet you can I talk with you son ? Sonia Asked Butch

sure he's out back right now. Butch Said

Thanks. Sonia Said

Sonia walked around back and over to Lighting who was playing his guitar he looked at her and saw she was sad.

Hey baby what's wrong ? Lightning Asked Sonia

It's my brother he and Helen ran away together and it's all my fault I basically pushed them out with trying to force him to be with Sam. Sonia Said

Lighting put his guitar down and hugged her.

Baby it wasn't your fault If anything It was your parents fault for not helping with the situation.Lightning Said

Well Dad did try to force him with Sam but he and mom don't really care about me or my brother. Sonia Said

Look Sonia I think you should go talk with Sam want me to come with ? Lightning Asked Sonia

sure let's go. Sonia Said

Sonia and Lightning walked to Sam's aunt's house and knocked on the door Sam opened It.

Hey Sonia who's that ? Sam Asked Sonia

Oh this is my boyfriend Lightning. Sonia Said

Ok well I was heading to your house to apologise to Dylan. Sam Said

Well that's what I'm here to talk about It's my brother he ran away with Helen. Sonia Said

Sam eyes widened In shock.

Well then I guess he made his choices then you can leave now. Sam Said Angrily

Sam I'm sorry. Sonia Said

Don't be just get out I have a lot to think about now. Sam Said

Sonia and Lightning walked home to see Dylan and getting out of a cop car She ran over and looked at her brother.

What Sam are you happy now. Dylan Said Angrily

What you're blaming me for the cops catching you. Sonia Said Angrily

Well you told mom and dad I ran away and the cops found me and Helen and took us home. Dylan Said 


Dylan looked at her shocked.

I'm sorry Sonia I had no Idea that you were so alone. Dylan Said Crying

Dylan pulled Sonia into a hug.

It's fine brother just don't leave me alone like that again. Sonia Said crying

Also Helen broke up with me after we got caught and brought back home. Dylan Said

Well I think there's blond haired beauty waiting for you right now. Sonia Said 

Dylan looked at his parents.

Mom dad I'm sorry I ran away but I have to go talk with Sam right now. Dylan Said

Just be back before dark son ok. Rick Said

Kay dad. Dylan Said

Dylan ran down the street and knocked on Sam's aunt's  house Sam opened the door.

What do you want ? Sam Asked Dylan angrily

Sam I'm sorry for what happened and I think I still love you. Dylan Said

What about Helen. Sam Said

She left me after we got caught by the cops. Dylan Said

Well Dylan you'll have to try harder than that to win be back. Sam Said

Please have me back. Dylan Said Smiling

Sam looked at Dylan's Smile and blushed.

Dammit you know I can't resist that smile come here. Sam Said

Dylan ran over and Kissed Sam.

Wanna play video games with me ? Sam Asked Dylan

I thought you'd never ask. Dylan Said

                                                  END OF CHAPTER                                  

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