Prom again Part 16

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Dylan was sitting In class and doing his school work when Holly gave him a note he read It and It said don't forget to get prom tickets Dylan nodded his head which made Holly smile the bell rang and they got up and left class.

So when are you getting tickets then ? Holly asked Dylan

Umm today. Dylan Said

Jenny walked up and looked at Dylan and Holly.

So are you two ready for prom ? Jenny asked Dylan and Holly

Yes. Holly Said Smiling

Of course. Dylan Said

Dylan walked over to the Prom booths and saw that Jake was running one of them and walked over to it.

What are you doing ? Dylan Asked Jake

Oh last year some lucky bastard made a killing selling prom tickets to people and I want in on some of that action this year. Jake Said

Doesn't the school take the money ? Dylan asked Jake

Well that's where It's supposed to go but nobody's gonna miss a few dollars right. Jake Said

Anyway I would like three tickets. Dylan Said

That will be 30 dollars please. Jake Said

Dylan handed the Money to Jake and he handed the tickets to Dylan .

So why do you need three tickets anyways ? Jake Asked Dylan

Oh I'm taking Holly and Jenny. Dylan Said

Jake's eyes widened.

You mean the Holly who has been harassing you the last year and a half. Jake Said

Yep. Dylan Said Smiling

Are you sure that's a good Idea and why are you taking Jenny too ? Jake Asked Dylan

Well I think Holly has changed and I'm sorta dating both of them. Dylan Said

Well It ain't my place to judge so do whatever you like. jake Said

Dylan walked back to Holly and Jenny and gave them their tickets.

Thanks bab. Holly Said Smiling

Jenny Smiled and Kissed Dylan on the cheek Holly did the same.

                                                         ONE WEEK LATER

 Dylan was putting his tuxedo on when Sonia walked in wearing a dress.

How do I look brother ? Sonia asked Dylan

You look great sis fred's going to love it. Dylan Said

Thanks bro I'm going downstairs and waiting for Fred. Sonia Said

Dylan put on some cologne and walked downstairs.

See you at prom sis I've got to go get Holly and Jenny. Dylan Said

See you. Sonia Said

Dylan walked out of his house and into a limo he rented and drove to Jenny's house Dylan got out and knocked on her door Jenny opened the door wearing a blue dress and her brown hair In a piggy tail Dylan blushed.

You're beautiful. Dylan Said

Thank's your handsome yourself. Jenny Said Bushing

Jenny kissed Dylan on the cheeks and they got In the limo and drove to Holly's house Dylan got out and knocked on the door Holly opened the door wearing a pink dress and her blond hair tide into a bun Dylan Blushed.

Dylan Year twoWhere stories live. Discover now