A Promise Is A Big Word.... You Said You Would Never Forget Me One Direction

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A promise is a big word.... U said u would never forget me Chapter one:

2 years before

"Brigit come on u have to go to school!!" ugh my mom is screaming again. Doesn't she know that people actually sleep in the morning? " LEAVE ME ALONE!" you see today was my first day in a new school and I wasn't looking forward to it. Considering it is 2 months already into the year, I won't know anyone. " GOT. OUT. NOW!" ok she was pissed it was her first day to work to but still I didn't wont to get up but I had no choose. I rolled out of bed and dragged my tired body into the shower and let the jets wake me up with hit water. I got dressed into a pair of jeans and a blue shirt that said " get out of my face " I loved it. I brushed my longish hair that was dark brown. I went downstairs and ate fast and left. " goodbye mom!!" I yelled before leaving.

My name is Brigit Taylor Night. I am 18 and just moved to London. I was living in the best place in the world, New York. I moved here with my mom and little sis. She is one year younger. Her name is Kristen. She is tall with red hair. I also moved here with my best friend. Her name is Bianca. She is kinda tall with black hair. My dad died just 1 year ago in a head on car crash. I miss him a lot but nothing I do can bring him back I know that but we were really close and he mean the world to me and now ... He is gone for good.

Me and Bianca started walking to our new school. " I am kinda excited to go here it's a new start u know? Like no one knows you so they can't really judge you right away" " are u kidding me it just gives them a better chance. Look B it may be a new start but I miss the big city. With the lights and Carter I mean I can't believe I had to leave him he was like my brother" I sighed really loud and she just stay quite. We were all really close but I was by far way closer with Carter. As we arrived the nerves started to build up. We both looked at each other and continued walking. We got inside an went to the front office. " ermm... We are new here can we have our class?" I tried to sound nice but failed. " umm let me see Brigit Night and Bianca Smiles?" we nodded and she handed us two pink papers with our classes on them we thanked her and we both had the same first class. So we continued to walk towards our first class ad I just Wonted to run as fast as I could but I couldn't because B was holding my hang and tight.

Bianca's pov

I was so scared to I grabbed Brigit's hand and prepared for the worst. " hello u must be the new girls" the teacher said. She was wearing to much make up but she did seam nice ish? We nodded and she said " ok well which one is Bianca? " I stepped forward as if I was really to be shot. " ok y can sit right nexted to ummm Josh" she pointed and I started to walk over. I put my stuff down and looked up to see who I would be beside. He was cute. He had dark brown hair that was short. He was also pretty fit from what I could tell. I could get used to this spot...

Brigit's pov

" and Brigit you can sit nexted to mr Tomlinson" she also pointed to were I had to go I was in the middle of two boys. One had a striped shirt with light brown hair also wearing my favorite shoes. TOMS, the other had blonde hair and had melting blue eyes. " hello love" the striped one said. " ermm hi?" I kinda asked. I say down tring to focused but someone came in late. " Mr Styles you are late" the teacher sounded pisse I would hate to be him " sorry miss" he came over near us and sat beside the blonde one. " hello love what's your name" I looked around tring to find out who he was talking to but he was talking to me. Wow Brigit smooth. " ermm .... Brigit" " but my friends call me bubbles " " I am Harry the striped one is Louis and this is Niall" I looked at Niall and said " I love your eyes " without realizing it. I looked down and blushed he pulled my chin up and said " I get that a lot no need to blush" and oh corse the just made me blush harder and he laughed a bit. I looked over at B and she was laughing with this hottie. Wow lucky.

After class

" wait Brigit!" I heard I turned around to find he three boys I sit beside chasing me. Bianca just looked at me and I said " those are the people I sir beside I don't know who the other two are though" I said they came up to me out of breath and I laughed. " ok two questions " the curly one said I think it was harry? I nodded for him to go on " me and the boys are having a hang out thing tonight do u and Bianca won't to come?" we both looked at each other and before I could say no she said " we would love to where?" he gave us the address and than continued " let me see " he looked at our classes and smiled " ok well Brigit has the same classes as Liam and Louis so u can I with them Bianca had the same ones as Zayn" he followed orders and started walking but he opened his mouth again and man this kid needs to be quite " oh and bring over night stuff" he smiled and left I was there with my mouth open and shot B the worst look EVER. " come on love we will show u around. Oh and I am Liam by the way. " " ya the father of us" Louis mumbles. " hey! Well I need to keep u guys in order." I laughed and said " I am Brigit but u guys can call me bubbles Bianca does." they nodded and we headed to clad laughing.

After school

" I hate u for saying we will go u know that" I said to Bianca " well sorry but stay over with five hotties it a no brainer there sweaty" I laughed and continued to pack stuff for over night. We both gave the boys our number and so they were also texting us

Text convo with Bright and Liam

From Liamsexypants 

Hey hey love we are outside hurry up before Louis climbs up the windowxxx

To Liamsexypants

I hate the name u put in and ok we are coming now so tell Lou to keep his balls in his pantsxxx love bubbles 😍😍

Form Liamsexypants

Lol I love it 😉😉 and Louis is laughing at what u said to tell him and ok we are waiting xx

Me and Bianca left the house. My mon already knew and she said r was fine. " hello boys" " I still have my balls in my pants there love" Louis yelled at me and we all bursted out laughing. This was going to be an interesting night.....

Ok so this is my second story I will still be writing the other one but I really Wonted to start more of an drama one. Well I hope u love it or like it u know I am trying to leave commands on what to do


Taylorxxx 😄😄🍀🍀

A Promise Is A Big Word.... You Said You Would Never Forget Me One directionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora