The night it all went down ( still 2 years before)

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At Harry's house:

We got to Harry's house and we were laughing so hard an just having a great time. That was until we saw a big big limo out in front of there house. " umm are u famous or something because that is one big ass limo " " umm no but is that Simon !?!?!?!?!?" shouted Louis. I looked fast and it was. I was so lost and so was B. we ran in and the boys were pulled by Simon. Me and B just sat in Harry's room quietly. Just wondering what was going on downstairs...

Harry's pov 

I can't believe we just got discovered!! Me and the boys were so happy and so were out parents. Louis was sad though and than I remember the girls! And he was super close with Bubbles already and so was Liam and Niall. I looked at Zayn and he as said to along with all of them. Zayn was really really close with B already. I was just kinda in-between. We went upstairs and told them the news they were sohappt but I could see in Brigits  eyes that all she Wonted to do was cry. I didn't know why I mean she just meet us but that's what it looked like.

Brigits pov

I couldn't believe I was going to lose my best friends already. I just meet them and now they are leaving. I was happy for them but sad to. I didn't wont Louis Liam and Niall specially to leave they were the ones I was closer to. And what makes it worst it that they are leaving tomorrow. So this was the first day we meet and the last. Louis and Liam sat beside me and Niall just kinda sat on me. " Niall what are you doing" " sitting on you" " no shit Sherlock I meant why" " because I Wonted to is that a problem ?" " yes you cock sucker" they looked at me take back. I laughed and so did B. that was like my word. Niall got up and lifted me onto him. I was really comfy. He smelt really good to. " we'll bubbles tell me about yourself" " ok well I am a black belt, shy and don't like fighting but my ermm ugh dad used to teach me and it was kinda fun but I would never attually use it. Umm I moved here from New York and so did B she moved with me. My dad got killed 1 year ago ad that's why we moved. He got hit and before u say anything it's ok. I don't know I am pretty boring " I said leaving out my depression. I started looking away and they knew I was leaving out something do Louis wishperes into my ear. What are leaving out? I again look away but I had to tell them know. " ok ok umm I kinda have a strong case of depresstion" I mummbled. " oh we'll umm why do u know" " ya umm whe my dad died and I left my other best friend back at home and bullying" they nodded knowing I don't wot to talk about I anymore. " ok B your turn" " umm I am also a blak belt and I have been into some bad fights before. I love to go to clubs with Bubbles and drink" they looked at her like she was on crack. " it's New York remember they don't care. I also miss my other best friend back home and my family used to abuse me so I moved in with Bright. I also have a string case of depresstion but not as bad as hers. But the same reasons." they looked sad that we both had depresstion but tryed to lighten up the moods. " ok well umm let's watch a move shall we" I was still sitting on Niall and was going to move but Louis pulled me back onto him and Liam was now in the middle and Niall sat on him. I was in aww. It was so cute. " u know it is legal to marry the same sex in new York u and Liam should go Niall" they both blushed and laughed along with everyone else. I looked over at B and she fell asleep on Zayn. Aww they should go out maybe- but than I remebered that they were leaving tomorrow. And I was really sad I snughled into Louis more. Our of everyone I was going to miss Louis and Niall the most an Liam but Louis I was closer than anyone than Niall and Liam. " shh it's ok Bubbles I am right here. " Louis said to me. I looked and everyone was sleeping but us to. " sorry and I keeping u up?" I said blushing. " no love I Wonted to make sure u stoped crying frist are you ok?" I felt my checks and sure enough they were really wet. " ugh ya I just don't won't you to leave " I said and I felt a lump in my throat. " hey hey we won't be far for two long I will never forget you Brigit . U are my best friend and I will always love you we won't be far we will always be there for you specially me Liam and Niall" I nodded and snuggled deeper into Louis. I was slowly drifting into a deep nightmare....

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