Don't You Remember??

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i am going to try to update at least one of this one and one of my other story. but maybe two tonight i dont really know. hope you injoy :)

Louis Pov

i was really confused with what she was saying. I have no idea what she means. " i remember before it begun. yes why ?" Liam and Niall both said also confused. " think hard on who you were with that night" she said about to cry. she was really hurt. The only thing i wonted to do right than and there was run over to her and hold her tight. To tell her that everything is going to be alright. But i couldnt she told me to think who i was with that night ok well.....

Liams Pov

ok think Liam who were you with that night. ok well i was with Niall..... Louis...... Harry.....Zayn..... i feel like there are people missing but i dont know who they are. i feel someone missing in my life. Like someone isnt there to fill it..... or maybe a bestfriend more like two. But who are they!!! uhhh this is so fusterating!! why cant she just tell us. Even though i dont know who she would know...... mmmmmmmmmmm

Nialls Pov

she looked so broken. Who Was i with well the boys and two girls but i forgot there names. mmmm who were they. i looked at her again and she looked so famillar. " how would you even know who we were with when we got the news??" liam asked annoyed of thinking so much. "well i knida know because well.... me and Bianca were umm there" she said quitly. i stood there along with liam and louis. our mouths almost on the floor. " but... hhow... " i said in complet shock. " well lets put it this way you said the exsact words ' i will never forget you' i geuss that didnt work out so well right" she said hurt more than ever. i started to remember that night. with her on my lap almost asleep and than louis grabbing her away from me. it all started to come back. i couldnt believe i just forgot about the one person who made me feel complet in life... my best friend..

Brigits Pov

They stood there in complet shock. I wasnt buying it though so the bitchy side of me kinda came out with relizing it. " Bubbles i am so sorry i cant believe i forgot my best friend" niall said looking like he was going to punch himself. " ya well you guys are the only reason why the walls in my bathroom are covered in blood and dont tell me i was overacting because i wasnt." ok know i felt bad i cant believe i just said that out loud i am such a bitch. Now they are looking so hurt, painful, and wonting to punch something. " Brighit ...." Liam started " why the hell would you cut over us you are overactting thats just goes to far the Brigit" Liam finished. Now the only thought going through my head was ' you selfish bitch you never diserved to live just kill yourself they dont care about you they never did' but i shook it off and i was passed piss know '  REALLY LIAM ARE YOU SURE BECAUSE I AM SURE THAT LOSSING MY DAD AND NOW MOM ALSO ALL MY FAMILY AND MY BEST FRIEND ARE JUST THE ONLY REASONS. BECAUSE YOU GUYS WERE TE ONLY PEOPLE ME AND BIANCA COULD EVER TRUST IN OUR LIFE. YOU DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED ONCE YOU GUYS LEFT YOU NEVER REALLY NEW US AND WHAT SHE AND I WENT THOUGH SO DONT YOU EVER SAY TO ME  THAT I WAS OVERACTING ABOUT LOSSING THE PEOPLE I COULD ACTTUALLY OPEN UP TO AND MADE ME FORGET MY DAD JUST FOR A LITTLE BIT TO MAKE ME HAPPY. SO NEVER IN YOU LIFE EVER SAY THAT I WAS OVERACTING GOT IT YOU DUMB COCK SUCKER" i screamed at the top of my lungs at him. By know the rest had relized who we were and were all taken back at what liam said to me and what i said to him. i was so pissed that i was going to be doing something i havent done in a long time. i walked out of the room passed pissed. the only thing i could hear was Bianca yelling at them and them yelling back. By now she was doing the same thing as me and we both got into our cars with a lot of cash. we were going to be doing something we havent done in forever, get our fasted cars and start street racing. we were know for it and i have never lossed. i started my car and let the vibration take over me getting ready for me to just floor it. The guys were know screaming at us asking us what the hell we were doing and why we had so many NASCAR cars. i only had two B had one. we both just didnt listen and just floored our cars and started to race. we went in different direction and i found my first person to race. i blased my music after telling him where we were going. just up a building that does a spyroll up it. the light went greena nd i floored my car and was in the lead. i saw that the guy was not to far away but was chatching up also i saw another car...... it was the fucking boys. i just inorred it and i was now at the building and was winning i started to drift up it and beat the person that i was racing. i steped out of the car waiting for the guy to come up. i saw the car and he stoped and climbed out of it. " wow where did you learn how-" he looked up and relized who i was. " oh never mind now i know why i lossed to a girl" " great job though sweetheart" i rolled my eyes but played along " geeee thanks cutie now give me my money or i will kick your ass" he looked at me and smiled " wait wait i surrender here you go. you know you should really teach me how to do that" " how about maybe " he gave me his number and left. i was about to get back into my car when i heard Louis Liam and Niall screaming my name. Zayn and Harry appered with B. haha she was always so slow. " Brigit what the hell was that! you could have gotten killed!!!" Harry Screamed into my face. " dont worry i would exspect you guys to care anyway!!!" than Liam was about to speack but didnt " Bubbles of coruse we care the hell would that even mean" i looked at them with anrger boilling inside me. " ARE YOU KIDDING ME I JUST TOLD YOU THAT YOU GUYS WERE THE REASON FOR MINE AND BIANCAS CUTTING AND YOU SAID WE WERE OVERACTING" I screamed at him " wait both of you do it" they looked at B and she had tears in her eyes and ran to me. i hugged her and said sorry for telling them. " look i am sorry i said that we didnt think you guys cared that much about us...." "well we did ..." louis spook up and said " Bubbles B we really do care come here " he ran over and hugged us well that was a start to saying sorry for what they caused.....

well i dont think i will be updating tonight well anymore anywway i will try tomorrow but i dont think i can because i have to go out so hope you liked it :) :)


 P.s pic of Brigit on the side :) :)

Taylor xxxx :) :) <3 <3

A Promise Is A Big Word.... You Said You Would Never Forget Me One directionWhere stories live. Discover now