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Brights pov:

i got ready to go out along with Bianca i still didnt want to go bt was forced to go. " come on girls!!!" Niall screamed i laughed at his annoyence in his voice but B was very confused. witch made me laugh even harder. " ok ok come on " we walked down and the boys faces droped to the floor." u like??" " we love" they all said together i walked with Liam Louis and Niall because i was closerto them. i was right besode niall and liam.while louis was making jokes but i was to deep in thought to see that they were calling me. " Bubbles?!?!?!!!?" niall screamed " sorry uhh what ?" i just relized that i had gotten eally close to Niall and was almst holding his hand. " u ok ? u were like falling on me" i nodded my head " ya a little tired... " " well we were just going on a rode trip so i am glad u dressed casual." he laughed i nodded and we hopped into the louis car. and b harry and Zayn went into Zayns. i was again in the back with niall and liam.

but of coruse the boys being them go a driver to drive the car so they could be with us. so i was now in a really big car and in the back with niall liam and louis the others just went into a different one. " so mis sleepy what have u been up to?" " well i am writing songs for famous people and living with my best friend :)" " sound like fun but we arent living with u but since u want us to sure we would love to since we already have stuf moving in there as we speak" " WHAT?!?!!?" I said happy and suprized. " ya we are " " thats amazing" i said lying on niall and sitting on liam. " are u comfterable?? " liam and niall said " oh very thanks for asking" i said and ;) at them. " well go ad sit on lou not us i want my nialler" liam said. and pushed me off. " thanks.." i mummbled. and climbed over to louis and sat on him " you people are mean. " i said and snuggled into louis. " i dont think u can barry yourself into my shirt any more there love." i laughed and so did everyone else. " ya i know i just thought i would try" i said laughing. it was quite for a while but not a weaird quite it was fine. " so umm why did Zayn and Harry only go with B? i miss them too" i said wondering. i saw them all look at each other and than at me. " well your closer to us and harry and zayn are closer to her. thats all" Niall said to me. i nodded and than asked them another question i dont think i should have asked well not here anyway but i did. " umm did you guys really forget all of us?" i said getting off of Louis. " ya why?" Liam said with annoyed in his voice.  i looked at him weairdly and he glared back and thats 

when i lost it. " ok dont you dare glare at me Payne dont you even it was a question to see if you really forgot about us so watchit!!" i said with anger in my voice. But Liam did take that " well why dont you just drop it Brigit!! we all make mistakes " and from there there was no contolling me anymore. " what the hell!! dont tell me to drop it because i will never forgive any of you for what you guys did thats something 'best friends ' arent supost to do!!! you not supost to just become friends with us one day and in that same day leave than come back two years later and just compleatly forget who we are Liam what the hell happened to the one that i met two years ago?!?! the nice respectful fun loving person who i thought i could trust?!?!?! when you can answer that than you can tell me to drop it but right know whatch your mouth!!!" i siad getting it all out. all the feeling i have been keeping inside all came out in one car ride. they all sat there with shock in there eyes but Liam looked like he could kill someone but i did care anymore. i took one more look and did what i wanted to the first time i layed eyes on them. "STOP THE CAR!" And the driver did so. " dont you ever talk to me again Payne and that goes for you two also because none of you thought to stick up for me or to stop us. " and with that i got out of the car and started to run. i didnt care what they were screaming to me i just kept on running. i heard footsteps behind me but i started to run fast than i probable could but right now i didnt care.

Biancas Pov:

we were all having a nice convo until he got a call tell us that Brigit ran away and they couldnt get her. i wasnt shocked nore worried because i new where she was. we got together with the boys and i told them to follow me because the place where she is is easy ... she is with her parents... 

A Promise Is A Big Word.... You Said You Would Never Forget Me One directionWhere stories live. Discover now