Goodbye Pan

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Pan and I have been living on the island together with the lost boys for a while. We have been dating but this is not how I expected it to go. If he even sees me smile while talking to a lost boy, he drags me to the tree house and slaps,punches, or even kicks me. He yells at me saying weird things like ' don't go cheating on me' or ' fucking hell' or even ' what the fuck do you think your doing.' He scares me.Last time I tried to fight back,it got even worse. The pain kills me. " Hey Felix." "Oh uh hey." He notices a large bruise on my neck." Pan beat you again?" "Yeah and that was for walking and having a lost boy whistle at me." "Jeez, well I better go so you don't get caught for doing nothing." "Yeah bye." I walk to my tree house that I shared with Pan. I don't bother calling him Peter.He lost that privilege after he started beating me. He wasn't always like this. He use to be loving and playful and sweet. Now he barely pays attention to me. I decided to talk to him. "Hey Pan." "What do you need?" " I want to talk to you." "About?" "Us." He suddenly gets interested." Is there a problem?" " Well I was wondering...why are you so mean and protective all the fucking time?!" "Don't raise your voice at me. I am to keep you in place.You are mine." I shiver at his words." Well maybe I don't want to be yours anymore!You are always hitting and hurting me!You never give me as much as attention as you use to and I get in fucking trouble for no FUCKING REASON! What did I do wrong to deserve this? I cook,clean,hunt,listen. I am a mother to these boys and their best friend!" "Stop." " No." "I said to STOP." And with that he raises his hand and smacks me. I begin to cry." See what I mean?!" I whimper. He looks at me and his eyes soften. " y/n I'm so so sorry. I don't know what's happening. I'm just trying to protect you and show that your mine. I don't want to lose you." I get up." It's to late Pan. You already have." "No please!" He cries." Goodbye Pan." You leave the room and go pack.You say your goodbyes and hug Felix. Pan watches you through the window. Felix looks up with glassy eyes. He was going to cry which is weird. He shakes his head with a frown creeping on his face. He turn to y/n and takes of his hand made necklace and puts it on her. She turns and leaves.

Wow. That was amazing.peace out girls scout

Peter Pan/ Robbie Kay imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें