Not perfect at all prt 2

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He led me on and on until we made it. We came to a clearing with a bonfire, boys of the youngest age of maybe 10 to 18 or 19. There were tents spreaded out, a bigger one towards the back in the middle, and paths leading different places I assume. I looked back at the boys, one in particular caught my attention. Brown hair placed nicely, emerald green eyes, kinda tall, also had the same clothing but a little different then the others on. He looks at me and smirks. He walks over and looks at me and goes back to the guy next to me. "Nice work Felix." "The boys will be back soon, they became a pain in my ass." He smirked evilly and walked off. The guy looked over at me. I'm lost in thought as I stare in the direction Felix walked off. This seems...familiar. "What's your name?" "Huh?" "I'm not asking again." "Um in y/n" "Welcome to Neverland love."

Assuming three months later

I'm crying in the cave. No one hurt me or anything it's just the usual. I kinda get upset about my looks.  "Why can't I be normal?! Every fucking other girl is perfect. Skinny, hour glass, pretty and smart. Why am I different?" No one knows I'm here I tell Pan I'm taking a long bath. I do but quickly so I have more time to myself. Even if that doesn't exist here. I cry. This time is did it before my bath. I brought up the courage to slip into the cooling waters inside the cave. I wash my body and hair. I sink in deeper and hold for a second. I come up breathing a whole new world. (Ya know cuz u got land peeps and ya sea peeps worlds) I dry off and slip my new clothes on. I sit back down and breathe deeply. I need to calm down before I go back. "It's okay. You'll never be good enough but it's time to get over it" "Why do you talk that way?" I look up scared they heard. Pan. "What are you doing here?" "Checking on you, you took longer. But why?" ".....cuz it's true." "No it's not. Not every girl is perfect, there are people with worse." "But every time I try to change it doesn't work! I'm wasting life on the island Pan!" "No your not." "Why?" "Why what?" " Why don't you think I am?" "Because everyone has their own... interests. But me, I could care less on the body difference. We all have seen ur body shape with clothes on. You are perfect in my eyes. I've seen the boys even eye you. The truth is I really like you my love. Your my weakness but my strength too. I want you." "Pan.." "Peter." "Peter.... I never knew. I feel the same about you too. I want to be yours and vise versa. I just feel like I try to do something to change but I'm a lazy give up." "Your not and I will show you." "How?" He pulls me into a kiss. Holds my hips and a hand cups my face. I wrap my arms around his neck. We pull away. "I love you." "I love you too."

Y'all oof. I feel this tbh.

Question : how's life? Drama, or you good?

Peter Pan/ Robbie Kay imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now