Love is love

148 2 10

I thought we should try something different

Your POV

My friends and I prepare for the LGBT festival. We go every year. I, myself am (your sexuality).  My friends but different colors on their faces. My best friend Macy wears a rainbow tutu, black leggings and a black shirt with the gay flag on her right cheek. My friend Rana, has her "love is love bitches" shirt that is rainbow on, and jeans with rainbow shoes. We grab our mini bags and put, money, portable chargers, phones and everything else we need inside. We hop in my car, Dodge Charger, and drive on to the festival. We get our, pay the five dollar tickets and go In. There is a Dj, tents everywhere, dance floor, people on stilts, games, and a whole lot more. "ITS PRIDE TIME!!!" Yells the DJ. I get a tweet from my phone. Robbie Kay. "It's Pride month! I am supporting by being at the pride festival🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈!"
I gasp. My friends gather around and look. They roll their eyes cuz they know I love him. "You guys! I can meet him!" I tweet back that I'm here too and would love to see him. We walk around and chill out and I forgot about Robbie. I was focused on so much more. My friends and I joined on the dance floor. "CUZ EVERYTIME WE TOUCH I GET THIS FEELINGGG  EVERYTIME WE KISS I SWEAR I COULD FLY!" The crowd is singing. I dance with all I got. I get knocked into and sent coward into some guy. I turn to see the guy who pushed me." Get out the way Bitch." "Who the fuck are you?! You bumped into me!" "More like you were in the way." " leave her alone. You have no right to talk to her bum fuck." He storms off. I turn to see who I knocked into. Robbie Kay! "You okay?" "Your Robbie!" "That I am." He chuckled. He wears a black t shirt that has the words love is love in rainbow, and jeans. "What your name love?" " I'm y/n!" "Well y/n, how about we dance?" "Of course!" My friends join in after introducing themselves. We danced until we were tired. Robbie joined us to rest of the day. We stayed till it ended. When I went back to my car, my friends went home already. They left early do to their parents. Robbie was walking me to the car. Out of nowhere, the asshole from earlier came out." This your car Bitch?" "Yea now get the fuck away from it!" He had a bat( he got it from his truck who was parked next to yours) and smashed my windows. Robbie ran up and took the bag away." Hey man get away from the car!" Security came up and took the guy. "Damn it ! I can't go home when he smashed it." "I'll call a tow truck and have it go to your house. For now I'll give you a ride." I blushed." You really don't have to do this." "I know but I want to." He took me home and the car was already there. I turned to say goodbye." Can I have something ?" He asked. "Yea sure what is it ?" "This." Before I could speak he leaned in and kissed me. Holy shit. I'm kissing Robbie Kay! Next he asked for my phone and put in his number. I went inside and shut the door. I slid down sitting against it and couldn't help but smile.

A/n - question- what's your sexuality ?

Hope you enjoyed it was rushed cuz I haven't posted in awhile.

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