Oneshot #2 - Left to Scar

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You sat on your bed in the darkened room, knees curled up to your chest as you sobbed loudly. All of your close friends had left you, most of your family disregards you and the man you had fallen in love with cheated on you. So, you locked yourself in your room with the curtains closed and the blankets on your bed surrounding you for some comfort.
You felt very alone. Hugging your knees, your sobbing slowed to the point where you were just sniffling. You wiped the tears off your pale face and looked down at your wrists, cut up and bleeding. You then wrapped a bandage around both and rolled down your sleeves, hearing your mother call you from downstairs. You slid off the bed and went downstairs, seeing your parents, your sister Victoria and another man at the front door, standing next to his parents. He looked at you shyly. "[Y/N], this is the man who you are going to marry. His name is Victor. There will be no excuses as to not marry him." mother said, your eyes closed as you drooped your head.

"I cannot marry him, mother... what if he leaves me like the man before him?"
you said sadly. Father widened his eyes, "Nonsense! This is the true love of your life. He won't leave." he said glaring at Victor. Victor shrunk, hiding behind his father. "Ah, don't worry. Victor's not the type to leave anyone behind." his father stated. Victor peered out and looked at you, tilting his head curiously. "I'll be heading upstairs. I'm not ready for another heartbreak." you said, already halfway up the stairs. Victoria watched as mother demanded you to come down to rehearse the wedding. You refused, walking up the stairs more quickly. Mother followed, and you slammed the door to your room. You locked the door and loud pounding was heard. You slipped under the large pile of blankets and curled up into a ball, trying to fall asleep.
Mother eventually gave up, leaving you alone in your room. As soon as you heard mother's footsteps going down the stairs, you slipped out from under the covers and grasped a box from under your bed. From within the box, you pulled out a knife. Rolling up your sleeves, you unwrapped the bloodied bandage from your wrist and looked at it, the recent cuts had dried blood all over them. A singular tear rolled down your cheek and fell onto the blade of the knife. You placed the sharp edge of the knife against your wrist and slit the skin, blood trailing down the sides of your forearm. More tears streaked down your cheek as you repeated the action.
You then heard footsteps coming up slowly, you rushed to wrap the bandage around your arm and rolled down your sleeve. You wiped the tears away from your cheeks just as a knock was heard on the door. "[Y/N]? Are you alright?" It was Victoria. God bless her kind soul, she was the only one who truly acknowledged you. You got up and unlocked the door, swinging it open as you were met with the worrying face of your sister. "[Y/N]... are you okay? I heard you crying..." she said. You nodded your head in reply, "Yeah... I'm fine." You then proceeded downstairs where your parents and Victor's parents were discussing the wedding. You managed to slip out the door without them noticing, but there was someone following you into the forest that you had not noticed. You sat on a fallen log and buried your face into your hands, chest heaving with deep sobs. The person who followed you approached you, reaching a hand out and resting it on your shoulder. You slowed your sobs and looked at the hand, then at the figure. The raven-black hair, the gentle eyes, the soft look overall... Victor. He looked down at you sadly, "A-are you alright?" he asked.
"N-no... I've had the w-worst life that God can give m-me..." you started, still crying. "...a-all my friends left m-me... my p-parents couldn't care less about me... and the love of my life had ch-cheated on me!" You then dropped your head into your hands as you sobbed again. Victor sat next to you on the log and gently rubbed your back. "I-I'm sorry... I always blather on like an idiot..." you hissed at yourself. "I can actually relate to how you feel." he said softly. He then wiped the tears away from your cheeks. "O-oh, I-I never got your name. What is it?" he then asked. "I-it's [Y/N]. I-I'm so sorry..." you replied. "Sorry? Oh goodness, you don't have to apologize." he said, then noticing a lump in your sleeve. He reached over and grabbed your arm, rolling up the sleeve to reveal the bandage. He then raised a brow and unwrapped the bandage, exposing your freshly cut wrist. Victor looked at you in shock "Oh my goodness, [Y/N], I don't believe it..." he said in a lower tone. "Why would you do this to yourself?!" You flinched, expecting him to hit you. You then fully braced for any impact, but you felt Victor's arms wrap around you. "I'm not going to let you take your own life..." he whispered, tears forming in his own eyes. "...I'll protect you from anyone who tries to hurt you... and I will always be by your side..." You blushed and hugged him back, nuzzling your face into his neck. "[Y/N]... I think I really love you..." he whispered softly. You blushed harder, feeling his plush lips against your neck. You didn't want to show it, but it was indeed obvious...

You really love him.


((For those who read this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it! More will come soon, I promise. Now, who wants smut? XD))

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