Oneshot #5 - All For Him (Smut)

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((Modern one-shot of which Victor and reader have seriously been craving to do the dirty deed, and reader has invited him to their house for the action to happen since parental units have left for a week.

This is the smut chapter. Do not read if you do not want smexy times.))


Day in and day out, it was the same thing over and over. You and Victor had talked over text about getting together in a private place and trying to "do the dirty". You'd talk about it with your friends, and they'd either scoff at it or encourage you. With the rate it was going, they had begun to doubt you. Of course, out of all your friends, you were the only one who was still a virgin. Hell, your friends were even saying that you would be the first to nail a guy in the beginning. Oh, how that assumption was totally wrong.

It was Saturday. Your parents had left and you laid in bed with your laptop and some snacks as you watched videos. Your phone buzzed and you'd sigh as a new notification popped up on your phone. It was Victor, yet again asking for you to come over to his place for the day.

"Hey, you busy? If not, wanna come over to my place for the day?" the message read.

"Will your parents be there?" you replied.

"Yeah, they will. Why?"

"Last few times I was there when they were around, the most you could do without feeling like getting caught by them was grind against me."


"My parents are out of town for this entire week so if you wanna chill and fuck around, you can come over ;)"

"...I'll be over in a few minutes."

You'd hop out of bed excitedly, throwing on whatever overtop of your sexy lingerie and tidied your room. You tried to set the mood as best as you could by dimming the lights, closing the thick curtains in your room and lighting soft-smelling candles. You went downstairs and awaited the knock. Then, there it was, the knock that signified that he had arrived. You'd give it a couple of seconds to make it seem like you weren't desperately waiting at the door for him, then opened it. And there Victor stood, the tall, raven-haired boy of your dreams who is also your boyfriend of 11 months. He smiled softly. "I'm here." he spoke with a chuckle.

Everything moved quickly from there. The last thing you remembered was you yanking him into the house, wrapping your arms and legs around him, him carrying you to your room and now the two of you were lip-locked as he struggled to take off his shirt. When he pulled back for air, he'd use the opportunity to peel the shirt off, leaving his torso bare. You took off your own shirt, tossing it off to the side. His eyes travelled along your body, sending shivers down your spine. Victor shot a smirk at you, his hand trailing up your stomach as his fingertips gently grazed the skin. This prompted a soft moan to slip past your lips, trying your best to keep quiet. You were too used to doing that whenever Victor decided to suck a hickey into your shoulder during the time that you were at his house and his parents were home.

"You don't have to be so quiet, darling." he cooed. This prompted a slightly louder moan to escape your lips, causing him to chuckle. When with others, Victor is fairly shy. When alone with you, he has a way of making you shudder underneath him, whether you'd like to admit it or not. Looking at him just tower over you was enough to make you shiver. Not noticeably around others, but nonetheless. "Wh... what do you want me to do...?" you whispered softly.

"Sit there and look beautiful as always. I know what to do." he said, reaching over and stroking a cheek with his thumb. His other hand worked its way up to your bra, prompting a soft whimper out of you. You felt your pussy grow eager for him, becoming wet. He'd stop to look at your lace black and red bra. "I see you went for the sexy lace lingerie. It obviously makes you look beautiful, though I'm afraid it'll have to come off." he said, working on unclipping it. He must know how bras work or have unclipped them several times before, because it took him little to no time at all to get it undone. You gasped softly and blushed madly as your breasts fell into place. He then removed it from your figure, leaving your chest and rosy red nipples exposed to him.

Victor Van Dort X Reader Imagines || Corpse BrideDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora