Oneshot #3 - Modern School AU (Pt. 1)

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((Okay, but imagine where a nervous!reader and a majorly depressed!Victor are in high school and teachers and others ignore poor Victor, but you act kind towards him.))


Rays of sun shone through the window panes and onto your sketchbook. You were doodling, your pencil flowing smoothly along the paper. You didn't care if the teacher noticed this, it would be the only time he ever acknowledged you. A desk over and forward from you sat a ravenette who was doing the same thing, but in his notebook. Mr. Gavinskoff, your second period math teacher, was blabbering something about graphs, a subject you were highly uninterested in. As he talked you looked up from your sketchbook, noticing that he had stopped talking and walked closer your way. You quickly opened your notebook over top of the sketchbook, but stopped midway as he stood by the ravenette's desk. He peered down at the boy's notebook and pointed to the drawing the boy made.
"What is this?" the man firmly asked. "A-a drawing, sir." he replied softly. The man picked up the notebook and ripped the page out. "No more of these 'doodles' in your notebook," the teacher said darkly, crumpling the paper and tossing it into the trash. "You have a detention, young man. Now rewrite the note." He then walked back to the board and continued his lecture. The ravenette sadly began rewriting his note, then the teacher erased the entire board. The ravenette sighed and put his hands through his hair. You tilted your head a little and the bell rang.
Everyone else stood up and gathered their books before leaving the classroom for lunch. You nearly walked out the door with your notebook in hand, but stopped and turned to look at the black-haired boy. He still had his hands in his hair. You went over to his desk and plopped your notebook beside his. "Y-you can copy my note." you said shyly before walking towards the door and the ravenette already had the book open to today's note. Mr. Gavinskoff spoke up, "No, he will not copy your note." The man stood, walking over to the boy and grabbed your notebook, closed it and walked back to you, handing it to you. "Mr. Van Dort does not need any... assistance in rewriting his note. If he wishes to fail this course and retake it, so be it. You on the other hand, Ms. [L/N], are doing absolutely amazing in this course."
"S-sir? Isn't it a teacher's job to make sure a student has all the tools and skills to live a proper life?" you asked. "Yes, but Victor here is choosing to be difficult. He shows no sign of interest to continue learning. This is his second year of being in the same math class and he already is failing." the man replied. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must continue my work." Mr. Gavinskoff turned on his heel and sat down at his desk. You looked sadly at Victor before leaving.


It was the end of the school day already. You were at your locker putting away your books when the ravenette from earlier approached you, looking more grim than before. "H-hey... th-thanks for trying to lend me your book... I-I'm sorry..." he said, drooping his head. "S-sorry? M-may I ask about what?" you replied with concern. "O-oh... u-uhh... th-that I couldn't u-use the notebook..." he said, the words trailing off into a silence. "O-oh, it's okay. H-hey, wanna hang out at my house today or sometime this week?" you suddenly asked. The ravenette shook his head with a frown on his face, "S-sorry... m-my parents a-always want me to come home s-straight away..."
"Oh? Wh-why is that?" you asked. You then mentally slapped yourself for being so curious about other people's lives. "Wh-when I was younger, I-I went to a friend's house to hang out, b-but he ended up h-hurting me with his other friends and th-they beat me up... I-I came home right after that and mother told me to come home every day..." he said, eyes filling with tears. "I-I'm sorry... I-I have to go..." He then turned and ran down the halls. "W-wait!" you shouted. You groaned and put your lunch pail in your backpack, then walking out to the buses. You got onto your bus and saw Victor behind you. Nobody sat next to either of you, so you turned around to look at Victor. "H-hey." you said and he looked up at you, still looking sad. "Hey..." he replied, looking back down. "Y-you look lonely. Wanna sit with me?" you asked. "I'm okay..." he replied, looking at his sleeves. "N-no, I really mean it, come sit w-with me." you said. "I said I'm fine... really..."
"Okay." you said, turning around and plumping yourself back in your seat. You put in your earbuds and listened to your music, but you then felt movement against the seat and turned, seeing the black-haired boy sitting next to you. "O-oh, I-I thought you said--" you said, then being cut off. "I-I know I said I didn't want to... I-I'm just..." he said, tearing up again, "I-I just... can't do this anymore... I-I can't continue being ignored like this..." he said, pushing his face into your shoulder as he cried. You blushed, not knowing how to handle this. You stroked his back, causing his heavy sobs to start slowing. He brought his face back up and rubbed his eyes. "I-I'm sorry... I-I'm just an emotional fuck..." he said. You then gasped quietly, "You're not an emotional fuck...! If anything, I'm a nervous wreck." you replied. "Y-you're not a nervous wreck... y-you had the courage to talk to me, e-even though the teacher said that I was a couple of years behind..." he said, bringing his knees to his chest as he sat on the seat. "W-wait, you're a grade 12?" you asked. "Ye-yeah... in a grade 10 supposedly easy math course..." he answered. You tilted your head curiously. "Y-you're pretty cute for a grade 12..." you said. His eyes widened and he blushed. "Y-you th-think I'm c-cute?" he asked. "Of course. But th-then again, I-I don't suppose a grade 12 like you would be interested in someone in grade 10..." you said, turning towards the window.
Victor brought his knees back down and scootched closer to you, cupping your chin and planting his lips on yours rather quickly, before scootching back. Your eyes were wide with shock, and he noticed. "I-I'm sorry... I'm a b-bad kisser, aren't I...?" he asked. "N-no... I actually really liked that." you replied. "Really...?" he asked again. You nodded, and he shifted closer to you again. You then swiftly kissed him, your heart nearly pounding out of your chest.


It was the weekend, quite a few weeks after you and Victor had begun dating. He managed to persuade his parents into letting him over to your house. The two of you were in your bedroom with the door open and you were playing video games. Your parents were just leaving then. You both ran downstairs to watch their car leave the driveway and as soon as it was out of sight, you both went back upstairs. You turned the game console off and Victor closed the door. You then pounced onto your bed and laid on your back, Victor already climbing on top. He smashed his lips against yours and you both were already moaning into each other's lips. He slithered a hand under your shirt and rubbed your abdomen, getting closer to a breast. You then gently pushed him back, "Take it easy, babe... we're going too fast..." you told him. "I-it's okay... I've got protection." he replied. "Only if you're sure..." you said. He planted his lips back onto yours and continued making out with you.

You are so glad you got over your anxiety.


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