Chapter 2

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Oh god...I just couldn’t stop myself...At least I didn’t kiss him on the face started to heat up...Why did I start to like him? It’s not like he is intelligent, cute and kind or anything like that...nah never...Then why did I do that? I just can’t understand my feelings, sometimes I despise him so badly....and other times I fall for him....Why do I keep falling for him? I told myself everytime I started to fall for him to stop, but it just didn’t work at all...Do I really love him or what? Why can’t I just decide already? It’s not like he likes me...he would straight up reject me...(Pun intended because I’m evil) But I just can’t stop thinking about him...and I already miss him...But what would he say if I would go back? He probably locked the window, because he doesn’t want gay bastards crawl into his room...I decided to check on him anyway...I walked to his room’s window, their house wasn’t really far away from mine, once I arrived, I just stared at the window...
“Maybe I should just go home...” I thought out loud...Then something happened I would’ve never except...He looked out the window.
“Mark! Wait!” he said and hopped out the he is quicker than I thought... I decided to run, I ran to the direction of my house, I looked behind myself seeing that Gear has stopped. And just stared at me. I didn’t notice a tree in the direction I ran to and so I pretty much fell and my head hit the tree pretty hard, then everything went black.

I can’t believe him! He is sometimes so hard to read! I just stood there while watching him runaway. Why did he do that? Why are these things happening to us only now? To be honest...As I think about our past together... Everything we’ve done to each other, wasn’t because being was because we wanted each others’ attention...or Mark’s probably playing with me...Why would he like me anyways...and why would I like him either anyways...since we are enemies...right? Freaking not and I’m just getting more frustrated because of it...I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a loud thud and noticed that Mark fell. I slowly started to walk closer to him to notice he didn’t try to get up. Strange. Then I notice he didn’t move, I started to run closer getting more and more worried. As I reached him, I sighed in relief, he was okay. I knelt down and held him close to my chest with a faint blush and a smile.
“I’m glad you’re okay” I whispered to him, though I know he didn’t hear me. I picked him up and brought him inside the house. I walked into my bedroom and lay him down on my bed and sat beside him. I just stared at him for a while, and found myself smiling. Good job Mark, really, you lil’ piece of (rainbow-). This time because no one was going to judge me and I didn't have to be careful because he was “asleep”, I could just watch him...with his rising chest...lips are slightly parted...I admit, he looked pretty hot...I grew a little frustrated by his sight, I wanted to kiss him so badly...I leaned a little closer while watching if he would wake up, but he didn’t...I finally reached his lips with mine for a short and soft kiss then I jumped up from the bed and mouthed ‘OH GOD’ while I ran out of my room with a tomato-like blush on my face. After some minutes I gained the determination to look inside, just to see that he still didn’t wake up. I dragged my feet into my room, not wanting to enter but at the same time, I wanted to kiss him again. Like I was stuck in a limbo. Or something like that. All I know is that I wanted to kiss him again. After a while I decided to just sat beside him...once again. I kept staring at him. I kissed his cheek softly. I didn’t run away this time. I just blushed so madly. I looked out the window, it was already late afternoon. I looked beside myself just to see Mark stir awake. I was so scared, I fell from my bed, on the floor with a loud thud. He slowly got up and looked at me. I was breathless, like he stole my voice, so I couldn’t say a thing.
“How did I get here?” he asked looking tired and with messed up hair. He looked so hot like that, my blush just grew worse, and I think he noticed it. He tilted his head, not knowing what the frick is wrong with me. I felt ashamed of myself. he scooted closer and helped me up on the bed. We sat there pretty close to eachother, and he didn’t let go of my hand. I dunno if he didn’t notice that or he just didn’t want to let go. All I know is that it made me more frustrated. Then I looked at him at the wrong time, he wanted to give me a cheek kiss and it turned into a kiss on the lips. I was so surprised and he didn’t even pull away or anything like that. To be honest I kind of enjoyed it, I slowly kissed back, my face was really hot, it was obvious, even for me that I blushed. But what can I do about it anyways. It’s not like anyone’s here to tell me to stop blushing. He slowly pulled away from the kiss. It was a pretty long kiss. I was speechless.
“I-I uuuh...s-sorry” he stuttered and jumped up then 'flew' out the window. I looked out the window to see he sprinted away.
“And you just leave me here like that??” I shouted. Well, what the heck was that, I face palmed myself “Why didn’t I stop him” I asked myself. I can say I felt pretty messed up today, what a great day, isn’t it? 
anyways, yes that lil' pic is made by me, kind of a joke art I guess
hope you like this nothing I'm doing here)

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