a new story out of boredom

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Gear's pov

It has been a long time since I really felt alive. It's just something about my life...probably the fact that it's never different: I drive my sister and Dino to school, go home then do nothing. The first months were real pleasure but after a while even the most introvert person would want to meet something new, or maybe it's only me. That's why I'm sorts of okay with a guy coming to my house...don't get me wrong, I hate him with passion and that's what gives me life these days, it's less boring like that. Even tho he steals my stuff it doesn't mean that he's bad...he's just annoying...and he teases me a lot for sure, still not knowing what's the deal with that...
I was pressuring the bed with my body and thoughts when I heard the door open, it quickly caught me off-guard.
"We're home" Fork said with a big grin "Oh did I scare you?"
"A little" I said with a small grin.
"Were you deep in your thoughts today again?" she asked, rather sucpicious.
"I can't lie to you, I did"
"Why would you lie it's like as if you date someo-"
"Fork I'm hopeless when it's about love, I'd rather make out with my pc screen than with a woman"
"Yeah I know but-"
"I'm saying the truth"
"I wanted to say..." she paused, seemingly bracing herself for what she's going to say "Like...the only person you talk troughout a day is Mark so I thou-"
"No" I inhaled sharply "Not today. Never."
"I just thought damn! I don't think you're gay or anything...err maybe bi but still- don't get angry at me!" she protested. I sighed, but still, why would I even like him? There's like no reason for me to think he's good-looking buuut he's not that bad either...What am I thinking?
Amazing, now I will shortly have to deal with that as well...
"Uuuh, Gear?" I daydreamed again, I noticed Fork looking at me.
"You really should get out and go on dates or talk to people this really makes you isola-"
"Fork...please, I don't think you're right, I'm positive that I'm not crazy"
"Yeah...yet" Fork scoffed lightly and left. I lied down again, closing my eyes...I see a guy...smiling at me, his smile is flirty yet so genuine, his dark eyes are shining with passion...And it's...Yes it's Mark and it's literally concerning me...
I hate how she made me think of him suddenly...it's all her fault...or not? I'm not sure anymore and this is getting more and more frustrating...maybe Fork is right afterall? No, can't be, I've never fallen in love. And he shouldn't be actually the one...yeah, maybe I really should try to get a date, it would probably get me out of this state of mind. I reached for my phone...maybe I could download some dating apps...tindr or what is it called? Maybe...maybe not, that's just a stupid idea, just meeting strangers make me feel anxious...
With the silent room and my loud mind, I didn't realize that someone came into my room. As I opened my eyes, actually questioning again if I should download a dating app, only to find myself head bumping into another person. It was Mark. He quickly took a step back.
He clearly looked surprised. LOL, the guy who has an annoyingly attractive smile on his face already. Well shit. I forced myself to glare at him...damn...forced? I'm really dizzy today. He stared at me weirdly.
"That's absolutely a fake glare" he said sucpiciously staring for long. I just stared back at him with probably the most confused face he's ever seen me do.
"W-What are you talking about?" I questioned, trying to stay calm.
He just sighed, folding his arms also.
"You...You've been spacing out a lot lately" he answered looking away.
"Awhh you noticed!" I said sarcastically cupping my cheeks.
He frowned.
"I mean...uhh I'm being serious" he hesitated a bit. Very interesting...
"Are you worried about me or something? Why would it even matter to you?" I pouted, looking away. Why am I this upset?
"Well you might not except it b-but I actually do care" my eyes widened "You were just lying there today again and...and I don't really know why..." he shrugged, his arms by his side, also looking down. I saw an ashamed look in his eyes as I lowered myself a bit. I don't understand...
"So you really do care" I smiled without noticing. I only realized that after Mark smiled back at me...do not get flustered, do not get flustered, do not get flustered...and I did, why do I get easily like this? My face felt hot, I lowered my head. Suddenly the room is filled an awkward silence.
"What is the reason you act like this though? This is too sucpisious you know"
"Maybe I just admire your work"
"And you"
"Oh uuh-"
My face started to heat up, I slowly laid down, looking like I was praying for Mark to spare me...which wasn't a complete lie...shieth. He put his hands down, lowering himself a bit.
"I do admire you" he wishpered in my ear. I slowly looked up, my face was probably burning. I gently pushed his face away, he was uncomfortably close.
"A-A-are you ga-gay o-or so-somethi-thing??" I asked stuttering badly. He looked a little surprised. He didn't say anything though. He hesitated, I probably said something wrong, didn't I? He really just stayed silent, he really won't say shit.
I inhaled, trying to put together another thought of mine.
"Are you really...?" I asked, now more confident. He looked away in shame.
"Then what?" he muttered. Oh wow. "S-sorry" he wanted to go but I grabbed his hand firmly. He looked back at me confused.
"There's nothing wrong with that" I said, slowly smiling. We stared at each other, my face slowly started to burn with this weird passion I've never felt before...it's so wierd!
But he blushed as well.
"Well...this is really awkward, isn't it?"
"Homosexually awkward"
"Why do you have to be so specific?" he scoffed a bit.
"Sorry, a habit of mine when I feel awkward"
"Yeah, I know..." he said.
"And we're still holding hands" I mentioned, also squeezing his hand. He pulled me closer a bit sitting down next to me.
"You don't seem to have a problem with it"
"Because I don't"
My last sentence reddened him a bit more. He kissed my cheek...what- he chuckled.
"What?!" I asked, slightly upset.
"You should see your face, you're so red!" he chuckled again.
"It's because of the affection coming from you...and because I obviously like you a lot..." I felt my face burning up with passion again. He did too tho. We were still holding hands. I slowly laid my head on his shoulder, he wrapped his arm around my hips, strictly above it...such a gentleman hah. I wish this would last longer.
He kissed my cheek again, so suddenly I backed away at first.
"Hey, say it before you do something!" I hid into his chest, my last words were rather muffled.
"It" he joked.
I looked up, rather annoyed, but his smile was too strong for me, I soon smiled as well...our faces a bit too...close.
I wonder, what would it feel like to just taste those lips...or is it too soon? What counts as too soon? Is it any different for a guy-guy relationship? Can I consider this even a relationship? Can I?
I noticed he was staring at my lips intensely.
"Are my lips that majestic, you can't take your eyes off of it?" I joked a bit, he reddened. He earned a real smirk from me.
"You could say that, but you were doing the same"
"Yeah...I-I have a normal reason" I stuttered, slowly feeling more nervous than what I can easily take.
"And what is that?" he smirked. No word came out of my mouth, I feel horribly hot...fuck fuck fuck...
I decided it's better to take my words into action, and smacked my own lips on his, cupping his cheeks with my hands. He was surprised for sure, he probably didn't except me to just do it, I smiled into the kiss. We pulled away after some seconds. He sighed.
"Not bad, but we should practice more"
"Well we have all night for that"
"That sounds a bit..." he smirked so wide, it still took me a bit time to process what he meant.
"You dirty shit!" I said, offended as fuck.
"Don't worry, I won't violate your ass...yet"
I gently but firmly slapped him.
"Don't bring in that sexual tension yet, we don't need it"
"Yet" he repeated.
I just bit my lips...just thinking about it is enough to make me flustered. I hope he is serious about it tho...wait.
"So...w-we're together now?" I asked slowly looking away as if we didn't kiss like a minute ago.
"Yeah, I'm serious about liking you" he replied, making me smile.
I still don't know what is it about him, but I don't think I have to have a reason to love someone. I just love him. A lot. Suddenly the door opened revealing a young female, I froze falling back from Mark's arms, embarrassed strongly.
He just stared at the intruder, who was my sister who technically guessed my future, my gay ass future... She smiled...more like a smirk
"Hey gays- I mean guys"
"You were damn right" I said, my head halfly buried into the bedsheet. Also red faced.
"I'm always right" she said smiling as she left. I quickly got up shouting back at her:
"But not in maths!"
She didn't shout anything back. Damn, my gay ass is exposed.
Then suddenly Mark was on me, he literally threw himself on me. I can feel his warmth...it's really comforting...and he's a bit heavy, I pushed him off of me, he held onto my hips, my cheeks still burning, facing each other. He slowly leans in for a kiss, I didn't do anything, letting him do it this time. Wasn't a good idea. He leaned into my neck slowly letting his hot breath hit my fair skin. Fu c k. I almost wanted to push him away but...it feels so relaxing...it's not like he wants more, is it? Well he was joking about it...doesn't mean anything! I think too much. Suddenly he gently bit into my neck, and carelessly I let out a sweet and soft moan. Suddenly Mark backed away with a blushy shocked face. I just stared at him, not being able to decide if I want to slap or kiss him.
"Sorry, I don't know what I was thinking..." he said, with an apologetic tone in his voice. I mean... I don't think he did anything wrong yet...yet... What would count as wrong? Or once you start it's just wrong, because you can't stop? I want to have a taste but...I'm not sure I could stop after the first...Being so curious, I glomped on Mark, also kissing him...I don't know what I'm doing, but it just...feels right and comfortable? Strange at the same time though, like it feels...I don't know! He slowly wrapped his arms around me, and deepening my clumsy kiss... Shit just got real. We continued, turning this into a make out session, only pulling away for moments to breath. The more we kissed, the hotter I felt and that's driving me crazy. We soon finished, I slowly leaned onto his chest, both of us panting like dogs.
"And you were worried about being too fast" he said.
"Hey!" I looked up at him, offended...the way he gazes into my eyes...and bam I blushed, I was like a tomato. He chuckled.
"Damn, flustered Gear is cute Gear" he laughed now.
I inhaled.
"Everywhere, always" he replied, smooth af. I have no comebacks. I just stared at him with an annoyed face. He cupped my cheeks.
"It's true tho" he repated himself "You're too adorable for me to handle"
"I'm trash"
"Well...no, don't think that, there are some dangerous stuff in trash that's bad for everyone, and you're not dangerous, you're danger-inviting"
"Well I'm facing danger right now" I smiled "But I'm not afraid of it"
He suddenly blushed, yes!
"Since" I try to joke "You were the danger I was seeking" I almost stuttered, but it still seems affective. He was turning into a blushing mess.
"The dice has turned, hasn't it, Marky boi?" I joked.
"I can return it very easily" he smirked, I didn't give into his teasing smile, he saw that...Now what will the handsome boi do?
He pulled me into cuddling, I didn't mind that...he was so warm, I can't have enough of him!
"You know...I love the way we're at the moment, but not as much as I love you" the last 3 words made a shiver go through me, I went red almost instantly.
"I l-love you too" I stuttered, feeling this tingling as I said these words. He brought my face up to see I was having one hell of a time with blushing, he smirked widely.
"What do you want from me?" I asked, a bit upset that he nailed it.
"I want nothing from you, I rather want to share with you"
"Share what?"
"Share kisses...share love"
"Then kiss me"
"I'd love to" he said as he leaned in giving me a proper kiss already...how is he so good at this? I quickly shut my eyes, enjoying every moment of us being connected...connected... Sounds about right. He pulled away for moment, probably to breath, I used that moment to breath as well. Once he smacked his lips on mine again, this time with more force and shortly licking my lower lip, I knew what this meant, opening my mouth slightly to welcome his tounge, he tasted all over for sure, making me moan softly, almost every moment. He slowly pulled away, smearing away the line of saliva that was lazily connecting us, it was mostly staining my face. I felt that my face was hot, I can't ignore it, and his smile just makes it even worse. It's too beautiful... He slowly leaned in for another kiss and so we continued this until the point he ended up by my neck again 'somehow'.
"Not my neck!" I whined, the tone in my voice said the opposite. I could feel his smirk at the moment. This is just too perfect. He trailed kisses down my neck, I never knew it was that sensitive! I moaned harshly, this means you can't enjoy yourself and stop at the same time...who could've guessed that? I really want to enjoy the night with him...but uhhh not yet. He suddenly stopped looking at me.
"Mr. Tomato called, he wants his face back" he laughed a bit childishly, fuck he's actually adorable!
"I'll make sure to not forget" I joked, but after like a half minute, because I had to restore my voice he stole.
"Also you, moaning carelessly is just beautiful" he said, still looking at me with those dreamy eyes...this jerk will probably the end of me.
"Maybe you should get going...it's getting late" I sighed, quickly changing the subject, even though I'm still beat red from his comment (why did I write cok at first? Is this meant to be smutty?). He sighed.
"Maybe you're right" he said a bit dissapointed, he gave me one last kiss, then left through the window. I already missed the warmth but I didn't want to go to shower while he's here...that just sounds terrifying for me.
I went to take shower, once I was fixing my hair up in the mirror so it won't get wet I realized I had hickeys all over my neck. Can I kill him? God, why didn't I stop him myself? Now I suffer because of that, Fork will probably notice it the next time she sees me. And that'll be soon since I usually gave her and Dino good night kisses. Whatever, let's just shower, I'll figure out something.
I had a quick shower, then put on a black boxer and a slightly dark coral shirt with 3/4 sleeves. I really liked it to use to sleep because it didn't itch at all and it's important. I soon went to Fork and Dino's room, be fast and then she'll not have time for a comeback. I walked into their room, dim lights were on. I quickly gave both of them the good night kisses, I wasn't fast enough, Fork pointed it out.
"You have a rough boyfriend I see" she smirked, I just let it by, leaving the room. The night was peacful, I worked until like 1 am as usual, perfecting some new inventions I started making these days. One was missing a piece...I wonder why. I still love him. I soon went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2018 ⏰

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