The New Neighbor

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The next morning when Valleri got up, her mother told her she's not going to school

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The next morning when Valleri got up, her mother told her she's not going to school.

"What do you mean?"

"We're gonna spend some time with Davy! Ooh! And he's your age!"

"Who is Davy?"

"Our new neighbor!"

'Oh, great... This is just what I need...more play dates...' She thought to herself. Rachel was one of those mothers that worry about her daughter having friends, so she sets up play dates behind Valleri's back.

"Davy..." Valleri thought to herself.

"Oh, he's here!" Rachel pointed out, as she saw Davy walking up the driveway. The doorbell rang momentarily.

"Val' why don't you go get that."

"Okay, mom."

She crossed the room to the door and opened it.

"Oh, uh, hallo, love. I'm Davy Jones. What's youh name?" Davy said. He was a short kid, about 5' 2, with brown hair and brown eyes. He had kind of a baby face. He was wearing a black and white striped tight shirt with black stove pipe pants and heel raised shoes. He had fallen in love. But so has Valleri. Again.

"Hi...I'm Valleri. You're a Brit!"

"Oh, yes. I'm a quiet little Englishman. Also a very clean cut kid!"

Valleri giggled at Davy and let him in.

"What a lovely home here!"

"Thank you. So where are you from?" Valleri asked.

"I'm from Manchesteh, England. My grandfatheh said I should come to America...not shoh why..."

"It's great over here. My mother is in the kitchen."

"Youh Mum? Oh, Rachel!"

"Yes. I hope you'll excuse me."

"Oh, yes."

Valleri ran upstairs to her room and called Mary.

"Hello?!" Mary answered trying to figure out why her friend was calling so early.

"Valleri I won't be at school today. There's this really cute English boy at my house named Davy Jones and we'll be spending the day together."

"Oh, marvelous!!"

"No! Not marvelous, Mary! I love Peter and Davy! And there's two more boys coming over!"


"One tomorrow, one Monday."

"Well, today is Wednesday, you're in quite a predicament. I don't know what to say..."

"Shoot! I gotta go! Dad is coming up! I'll talk later!"


After that she hung up the phone quickly. When she walked out of the door she bumped into Davy.


"Oh, sorry, love...youh fatheh sent me up here to get you."

"That's fine. I'm here."

"Great. So, uhm, down we go."


They went downstairs together not saying a word as Davy led the way down. When they got downstairs Rachel was setting the table.

"Oh, hey Val'!"

"Hey mom. Where's dad?"

"He's in the living room, didn't you see him?"

"No..." She went back to see, and there he was sitting in the chair.

"Oh, wow."

"Thank you foh having me oveh tonight Rachel." Said Davy.

"You know, there's been a lot of newcomers.'re the second..." Rachel stuttered.

"I know what you mean." Davy chuckled.

They ate dinner and Davy stayed talking all night. The time had come when he had to leave.

"Well, I must be off. Goodbye."

The family said their goodbyes and he was off. Valleri went upstairs and called Mary back.


"Hey, Mary..."

"Well...the verdict?"

"I love him..."

"Valleri, my suggestion is that you don't go out with either until you can choose."

"Good plan..."

Rachel called up for Valleri to go to bed.

"I gotta go Mare."


Valleri hung up and went to bed as she was told. All night she couldn't help think of the two boys.

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