One Day With Ako

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Third Person R.O.V.

Yume, Laura, Ako and Mahiru are called by Principal Moroboshi to his office during their morning lessons.

After knocking the door, they all enter the room and greet him. 

" Excuse me? Can we ask you the reasons for asking us to come here? " Laura asks politely. "  You are getting famous. A well-known TV  variety show  ' Happy Idol Party ' wants you to attend. You need to go for the shooting after 2 days. Remember to prepare well for it! " Principal Moroboshi explains when adjusting his glasses. " Yes! We will do a good job! " Laura, Ako and Mahiru reply excitedly. He nods with his approval. He suddenly notices Yume in his corner of eyes. She is sighing curtly. He snaps at her , " Nijino Yume! Do you hear me?! " Yume is startled, but then she replies with distaste, " Yes... I hear it... " 

" Okay. You can leave now! " He says when trying to hide his rage. After bowing to him, they leave the room. When he is alone again, he takes the profile of Yume. There is nothing in her profile except her name, age, gender and class name. " Maybe I should investigate her background... " He mumbles when adjusting his glasses.

" Yume chan! You can't be so rude to Principal Moroboshi! He is our sensai! " Mahiru scolds at Yume when knocking her head. Yume shrugs and makes a yawn. She then decides to walk back to her room to take a rest. Suddenly, her wrist is caught by Mahiru. " Wait! You can't leave!  We need to have an immediate discussion first! Come to canteen! " Then, Yume is pulled away forcibly by Mahiru with Laura and Ako.

" According to this notice, we will make a cake together in the show. Then, our cake will be given to the host and guests to try. Finally, we will perform a song together. Do you have any questions? " Laura summarizes the notice for Yume, Ako and Mahiru.  They shake their head. Suddenly, Laura jumps to Yume and grips her shoulder. She leans closer to the startled Yume and yells, " Yume, wake up!!! Don't get lazy!!! " Yume covers her ears with her hands at once and sighs wearily, " Yes, madam... " Laura sits back when staring at Yume angrily. She gets back to the topic. " Let's divide our jobs, okay? Yume and Ako will go to but materials for the cake while I and Mahiru chan will choose the best recipe for the cake... " She says. " What?! I will be with her ?! " Ako and Yume shout at the same time and cut the words of Laura. They use their index finger to point at each other with death gazes. " What wrong with you two? I don't see any problems. " Laura says levelly. " She is my love rival! I don't want to kill her accidentally when I am staying with her alone! " Ako screams loudly. " Me too! I don't want to die so quick! And I also don't want to stay with this crazy and stupid kitty! " Yume shouts back using the same volume. Laura and Mahiru peek at each other with a smirk secretly. " No objection is allowed! We should start working for it now. Dismiss! " Laura announces and leaves with Mahiru.

Yume and Ako stare at each other with fury. They leave the school to buy materials after taking their wallets.

" Maybe we should first buy flour. " Yume says curtly. " Okay. " Ako replies without looking at Yume. The atmosphere surrounding them is extremely awkward and uncomfortable. They enter a shop and look for flour. They find bags of flour of different bands respectively. " I think we should use this flour which is made from Italy. Its quality is better. " Ako says. " No. I think we should use this flour which is made from China. Its price is cheaper than yours a lot. Remember our limited budget! "  Yume says. At first, their attitudes is calm and polite. After a few rounds of arguments, they are starting to shout at each other defiantly. The other customers and shop owner start to look at them with amusement. Some of them even record the video of their arguing scene. They are embarrassed after noticing it. They decide to leave and buy materials separately. 

" What are you thinking about, Laura chan? " Mahiru asks when looking for the recipe of the most delicious cake in the public library. Laura looks up from the book and gazes at her with a worried expression. " I am wondering how are Ako and Yume doing? Are they arguing now? " She mumbles. Mahiru shrugs and says, " No need to worry. Friends will argue sometimes, but they will make up soon after quarrel. And this will strengthen their friendship. Don't think it now. Let's finish our works first! " 

Ako walks along the avenue when showing puffed cheek. " That Yume... " She murmurs when turning into a lane. After walking to the middle of the corridor, a group of young boys appear in front of her. Soon they stand around her to stop her from escaping. " What do you want? " Ako says in a cold voice, but it cannot hide her panicky face. The leader of the boys smirks teasingly, he says, " That's easy. We want you to play with us, pretty girl! " He pulls out his right hand from the pocket of his jeans and reaches it to her cheek. She flinches in a stagger. All the boys laugh suddenly. " You are so cute, lady. We are all friendly. And here is no other people at all. Let's play with us~~ " One of the boys says in a lustful tone. Ako shivers with fears and distaste. She shrieks in terror. 

Yume walks to an opposite direction from Ako. She is still angry and annoyed. However, she also feels a little bit of worried. She has a strange feeling that Ako maybe in danger. " Why should I help her? Why do I need to worry about her? I hate her! " She murmurs. After struggling in her mind, she finally decides to walk back and find Ako. She walks along the avenue and suddenly hears the scream of Ako. She follows the sound and enters a lane. She hides behind a rubbish bin and finds that a group of boys are trapping Ako. 

Ako shrieks in terror. Suddenly, two boys behind her fall to the ground when screaming painfully and covering their bloody heads. She turns around and discovers Yume, who is holding a wooden stick with blood stain. " Yume chan! " She yells at her with hope and happiness. " You pretty girl, don't you afraid that we will destroy your natural beauty? " The leader of them says with a smirk when warming up himself. " Hit her, brothers! " He shouts when rushing to Yume. Yume do not panic at the sight of it. She smirks teasingly and starts wielding her stick. Within a few minutes, she mauls all the boys and throws the stick to somewhere. Then, she immediately grasps Ako's wrist and pulls her away. When holding her hand, Ako feels something warm in her heart. Her face appears a lovely smile.

After escaping to a far place, they stop running. They both breathe heavily to acquire more oxygen. During panting,  Ako murmurs " Thank you. " in a soft voice quickly. Then, she blushes and hides her face with her hands. After a few seconds, she peeks at Yume and discovers that Yume is holding her laughter. " Why are you laughing?! I am serious! " Ako shouts at her angrily. " This is my first time to see this shy side of you. " Yume says when calming down herself. Ako calms down and smiles after hearing it. " Don't you know? I am always a shy girl in front of Subaru kyun~ ~ " Yume smiles back. Ako peeks at her again and screams when pointing her index finger to Yume, " Don't misunderstand! I will not give up my Subaru kyun! You are still my biggest love rival. But... you are also my friend... " She says the last sentence when blushing slightly. Yume chuckles slightly when gazing at this cute Ako.

After buying the materials, they walk back to school and meet Laura and Mahiru. " You two seem to be more friendly to each other. Do you encounter something special? " Mahiru smirks with curiousness. " That's our secret! " Ako says at once when smiling at Yume. Yume smiles back and nods to agree.

During the show, they make a large chocolate cake which is loved by all the guests and the host. Then, they sing " Star Jet " together. Everyone give them applause.

At night, Yume chats with Subaru on phone. " Yudetako, nice show today! " He says. " Don't call me that, but anyway thanks ... " She replies. " Your relationships with Laura san, Ako san and Mahiru san seem to be more closer, right? " He asks. " Yes... These friends are very interesting. I think I am intrigued by them now... " She says with a soothing smile.

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