That Autumn which was full of Sorrow

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Third Person P.O.V.

S4 and M4 will have a combined concert next month. Therefore, they are discussing the venue of it in a practice room at school.

" Maybe we can hold it in the Central Grand Hall near TVShine station? It is convenient to go there. " Hime suggests.

Subaru raises his eyebrow up in surprised when hearing that name.

" That's nice! And it is big enough to provide more seats to our fans! They must be happy! " Yuzu says with a bright smile when clapping her hands.

Tsubasa says when writing something into the notepad. " Right! Let's decide it to be... " 

Suddenly, a loud slapping sound echos in the small room. Subaru slaps his hands on the table. Everyone stare at him with shock. 

" I reject your suggestion. We cannot hold our concert there... " He says in a low voice with a bitter expression, just like he is trying to restrain his anger and arch.

" Why? " Hime asks in confused, at the same time, she is shocked by his reactions.

Her question seems to touch the deep wound in his heart. He widens his eyes, and responds rudely, " That's none your business! " Then, he rushes out from the room impulsively with fury. 

All the members in S4 feel bewildered. They ask the rest of M4 about him. 

" He must still concern of   that incident  , right? " Nozomu asks bleakly when looking at his friends. They nod when their expressions become fathomless.  

Members of S4 look at each other with puzzlement, then ask curiously, " What incident? " 

" We cannot tell you. This is the secret of Subaru. We cannot tell without his permission. " Kanata says with a shrug. " We should continue our discussion next time. See you later. " Then, they leave, remaining S4 feeling baffled.

" Subaru's secret...? " A girl with blonde and pink hair murmurs outside the practice room when hiding behind a pillar. " I never know it too... " 

After running out the practice room, Subaru immediately feels that tears are surrounding his eyes, getting ready to rush out. He does not want anyone to see him cry. He just wants to run to a place where is no one around him, unconsciously, he goes to a place where he never wants to go back, the Central Grand Hall. 

" Why will I come here... ? " His heart guides him to go up on the stage. He can never control his tears again, only letting them streaming down his cheek. All the painful memories hiding in the deep side of his heart recall in his mind. He can only use his hands to cover his whole face and sob quietly.

There are suddenly light footsteps echoing in the hall. He hears it and looks around. Turning to the back, he notices a girl with blonde and pink hair walking towards him.

He immediately wipes away his overflowing tears on his cheek and surrounding his eyes with his hands. " H-hey Yudetako... C-can you leave me alone...? I-I am practicing ... for my d-drama... " He stutters when trying to act nothing happen. However, a warm and soothing hug from Yume cuts his words suddenly. He can never hold back his sorrow, but cries in her cuddle.

When crying for about 15 minutes, he finds that no tears is formed again and the tears on his cheek are already dried.He raises his head from Yume's shoulder and looks at her eyes.

" You are getting better now? " She asks with a smile, which seems to warm his heart up. He slightly nods when hiding his embarrassment. 

" Sorry if I have surprised you. I just worry about you when hearing your conservation with S4 in the practice room... No! I am not hearing those purposely!!! I-I just walk past that room and accidentally hear them... " She says when blushing in embarrassment. " Um... I worry about you ... so I secretly follow you here... " 

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