Chapter 34

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Third Person's P.O.V.

"Nijino Yume san, we will arrest you now as you are suspected you violate the Theft Ordinance. You need not say anything but if you do, it will be recorded and used as evidence against you in the future." The police officer tells Yume.

Yume seems to know that this situation will happen on her, so she handles it calmly.


She pulls her both hands out to the police officer. Soon, she is taken away in handcuffs.

Ako stares at Yume in disbelief. They have just escaped from the terrible kidnapper, but now Yume is going to be caught?! How can the Police be so merciless?

When Ako decides to argue with the officer, Kanata stops her by grabbing her arm. "Don't be impulsive, Kitty." He points at Subaru, who is staring at Yume worriedly. "Look! Subaru acts as Yume's boyfriend but he doesn't do everything. If we take any action, we may cause problems to Yume. Maybe we just observe how the situation will go on." Ako gazes at Kanata, and nods with her tightened fists.

After Yume is brought into the car by several policemen, Subaru, Ako and Kanata are guided into another car. "You all will be brought to the police station too. We will obtain confessions from you separately." One of the policemen says. "Sure." Subaru replies. "But can you tell me what will happen to Yume?" The policeman frowns. He peeks at his team leader, who is sitting near the driver seat.

"That girl will be put into detention room after giving confession. If our head decides to bring the case to the court, she will be sent to the jail to wait for the court events. She needs lawyers for the upcoming events, so you should better ask adults to hire lawyers for her." The leader states calmly. "From the evident we have, she can become state witness to sue her step-parent. The judge may reduce her penalty or exonerate her from any penalty because of her terrible experiences." He turns around and smiles at Subaru and his friends.

Their hopes lighten up after hearing his words. "Can we see her after giving confession?" Ako asks. "You can meet her with her lawyers." He replies. She sighs in relief and turns to Kanata. "I haven't told Yume my true feelings..." Tears start running out from her eyes. A bitter smile slowly spreads on her face. "I will tell her everything before she enters the court..." She closes her eyes in attempt to stop the tears, but the tears do not stop. When she wants to wipe them away with her palms, a warm hand lands on her left hand. "Kanata?" She looks up and meets his eyes which are filled with kindness. "I know you are worried. You should just cry everything out." He whispers when softly stroking her messy hair. Ako stares at him, suddenly, she closes her eyes and smiles. She hides her face into his chest and bursts her feelings out in his embrace.

Subaru, who sits in front of Ako and Kanata, turns his head around to look at the couple. He smiles bitterly when looking at them as he recalls the memory in the past few months back. At that time, he could pull Yume into his embrace and comfort her when she was sad or hopeless. However, he could just watch her being arrested. She will be so anxious and hurt when she is going to be seen as suspect in the court. Yet, he can only watch her shouldering everything  from a far place. He cannot forget the smile she gave to him when she was being put the handcuffs on. She didn't blame him for bringing the Police into this incident. She knew that he would blame himself for causing her being arrested, so she smiled to thank him from saving her. She is such a good girl... He gradually notices the warmth in his eyes. He quickly turns around and stares outside the window.

After they arrive the police station, they are sent to separate rooms.

"Nijino Yume san, according to your confession, you were being controlled by your step-parent, so you engaged in several thefts in the past, right?" The officer asks when jotting down notes.


"Not your will?"

"Yes. They asked me to do it, so I did it."

"Okay." He looks up from his notes and stares at her seriously. "You will become state witness in the court. We will try our best to help you to reduce your penalty."

Yume tightens her fist. She stares back at him. "I want to see my stepmother."

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