Revelation of Secret

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Yume P.O.V.

I walks in the pier with a stagger. Pain from the ankle runs through my body. I cannot maintain my balance and I have to lean on the wall to walk forward. This reminds me the day that the boss killed me. I find a wooden stick on the ground. That's nice. I pick it up at once and use it to prop myself. I try my best to walk. I cannot fall in here. 

In this situation, I cannot help but think of Subaru. He caught me when I was seriously injured. However, how can he know my situation this time? How can he know that I am here? No, he will not know. He will not come to help me again. I should not rely on him too mush...

When I am telling myself not to give up, my legs are already out of energy. I cannot control myself anymore. I know that I am going to collapse and lay flat on this cold ground. No one will save me. The wooden stick has already left from the grip of my hand. I close my eyes to get ready for the hit of my body on the cold concrete ground. 

Out of my expectation, something warm wraps around my body and pulls me into it. I can distinguish this familiar and soothing smell from his body. I already know who is he. Subaru kun...  I slowly open my eyes. It is really him. " Subaru kun... " I murmur with a weak smile. I stare into his sapphire blue eyes. It always reminds me of the calming ocean. I can always feel calm when looking at his eyes. However, this time I can see worry in his eyes. He worries me?  He puts one hand under my back and another one under my legs. He lifts me up in bridal style. And then, he brings me into a car. " Go back to school, please. " He tells the driver. 

When the car is driving, we keep silence but the atmosphere is full of care and love.  He pulls me into his cuddle and he places his head on my shoulder. I know that he must be very worried... I snuggle into him unconsciously. He seems to be surprised by my sudden movement, however, he does not refuse and pull me away. He just allows me to lean on him. I can feel that he is smiling. Why? I don't know. However, I should not care about this right now. I just want to tell him something... I move closer to him and whispers into his ears, " Subaru kun... Thank you... This is the third time that you have caught me... " I can see that his ears turn into red color at once. It is cute... He must not want me to look at his face right now. Therefore, I just continue to stay in his warm cuddle. Soon, I fall into a deep sleep inside the protection of him. I trust him more now, right? 

Subaru P.O.V.

After knowing everything from Principal Moroboshi, I decide to find Yume. I ask the others to stay at Four Stars Academy to wait for my news. They agree, then I leave at once. 

When going to the pier where Venus Ark Located, I feel that my heart is pounding heavily. Yume's smiling face appears in my mind repeatedly. How can I live if I cannot see her smile again...? What if she is in danger...? I cannot think further. Tears already roll down my cheek. This is the first time I cried after  that incident  ... It is heartbreaking ... 

Yume... You must be fine...

After arriving the pier, I start searching here. It is so dark. The darkness seems to engulf my hope. " Yume chan! Yume chan! " I cannot hide my grief but scream out her name loudly. I really can't think of my life which is no Yume...

Suddenly, I hear that someone is panting in pain in a distant. I walk to there. When seeing that small figure, my eyes brighten up. My heart is overflowed with happiness. Yume!

When rushing to her, I find that she is going to collapse. I quicken my pace, and fortunately, I catch Yume in my arms.I cannot control myself and pull her closer to me. When feeling the soft touch of her skin and the familiar smell in her ombre hair, I find reassurance in my heart. I lift her up in bridal style and bring her into the car. Then, we are on the way of backing the school.

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