Chapter 1

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First Chapter. Hope ya all enjoy (;

Niall’s pov

I sighed softly making my way through the school halls slowly. I honestly hate Friday, or well, being on school at Friday. Most people enjoying this day I hate it because I normally am exhausted as shit and simply can’t wait for the weekend to come.

Weekend means sleeping. Most of the time.

Unless Liam comes around.

I groan when the guy pops up in my mind. He’s the last person I want to think about today. I know he’d probably come around tomorrow, maybe tonight even and I also know I don’t mind.

You see, we have sort of an.. sex relationschip? It started last year when he saw me walking into a gay bar. I had never thought the harsh guy would be gay and it somehow was such a nice thing to hear he was since I’ve been practically crushing on him since forever. Then again, he’ll never like me back.

That doesn’t stop me from crushing my lips onto his though.

The closer I can get the better and eventhough it means nothing to him and he doesn’t even bother to make the events pleasurable for me, it’s still better then nothing. Better then just watching him from the distance like I’ve been doing the first two years of highschool.

I never understood what got him to hate me so much and I probably never will. I know I’m being stupid, letting someone play me like this, but I simply can’t help myself. No one knows, expect me and Liam. He made clear he didn’t want people to know. It would damage his popular status.

I feel my Phone vibrate and sigh as I take it out.

From Liam:

Tonight. 10 pm. My house. Better be there, gotta punish you for not showing up last time.

I huff. That’s not even far. I couldn’t help my mom getting mad on me for forgetting the dishes. Once again.. She literally gets pissed about it because I constantly forget it and didn’t allow me to leave the house.

The word punish didn’t make me that happy though. Liam liked things rough so if rough was normal then how rough was this ‘punishment’ going to be?

I sigh. I’ve decided to go though, before I make things only worse. I obviously don’t want that to happen.

“Nialler!” I turn to face Zayn and smile weakly. This guy is my bestfriend really. He looks utterly beautiful. Slightly tinted skin, deep brown eyes, high cheek bones and no one will ever understand the secret behind his perfect quiff.

“Morning.” I chuckled as he gives me a bro hug. I think me, Harry and Louis are the only people Zayn has ever really opened up to. I remember him being new and all shy, yet getting quite some attention because of his looks.

He just dressed the way he liked, not specially for the attention, just because he felt comfortable in the tight leather skinny jeans being ripped at certain places, the sneakers, lose tank tops and baseball jackets. Oh, and all the tattoos.

“Say, you studied for biology?” He asked me, leaning against the locker. “I was planning on.. I fell asleep though.” I sigh softly. “That happends alot lately doesn’t it?” Zayn asked. I just shrugged.

“Heey, if something’s going on you know I’m here right?” I smile weakly and nod. “Thanks bud.” “No problem.” “If I’m lucky I don’t fuck up though. It wasn’t such a hard chapter right?” “Naah, I think you can make it looking over the notes you took in the break.”

Yes, I take notes. Lately, alot of people are fucking up their grades, but I’d actually like to finish highschool in once so I rather work now instead of not passing my exams and sitting here for another year.

“NIALLER! BADBOY!” You don’t even have to reconize his voice to know it’s Louis yelling. I grin as he runs up to Zayn and jumps in his arms. “Goodmorning to you to.” Zayn huffed, obviously not ready for Louis’ hyper behaviou in the early morning. I opened my locker and took out my binder as I put it in my bag, looking up only to spot Liam looking at me rather stern and I obviously knows what he means with that expression.

You better be in time

I groan to myself, soft enough for only me to hear as I swing my bag around my shoulder just when a sleepy Harry joins us. “Morning..” He said, rubbing his eyes. “Jesus, did you ever sleep?” Zayn says in disbelief. I bet he’s literally wondering what’s going on with his friends. “I studied for biology all night..” Harry yawned sadly. “Oh boy..” Louis said, pulling Harry into an comforting hug. “I know who I’m sitting next to.” He followed as Harry groaned and pushed him away, yet laughing. “That’s mean Lou.”

This guys are madly in love. Pretty much everyone notices, expect from themselves. I think they’ll eventually end up as a couple sooner or later. They are absolutely adorable togethr and pretty much already act like they’re together, it’s not official though.

I glance at Liam again who smirks at me as I sigh. I pretend I dislike him really, while I’m actually madly in love with him. I don’t want him to know how much control he has over me, because I know he will make use of it.

He grabs his Phone and texts someone, putting his Phone back in his pocket as he looks up at me, my Phone vibrating again short after as I take it out.

From Liam:

Can’t wait to take you babe.

Great.. I look at him and roll my eyes, pushing my Phone away as I turn my back to him.


I’m pretty sure I messed up my biology test. I pretty much didn’t know anything eventhough I looked over my notes in the break, barely serious though because Louis was joking all break long and I didn’t felt like moving to a place less noisy then the cafetaria.

I walk over to my car and sigh when I notice Liam standing next to his again looking at me. I can’t help it but blush and look down fastly as I get into my car, driving myself home.

As soon as I get there I take a shower and sigh dressing up as I blow my hair dry and spend my time listening to music and playing my guitar as I soon enough step into my car again driving to Liam’s place. I’m in time when I ring the bell and wait for him to open the door which happends rather soon.

“It was about time.” He huffed.

With that I got dragged inside.

So, tell me what you guys think about it in the comments and if I should continue this story.

Please share this with friends on twitter and other social media ! Would help me out alot.

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