Chapter 5

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After spending 2 hours training, I somehow end up sending in the gym’s small café with Josh who has a break, ignoring Liam who’s not even trying to hide his jealous stares.

“So, what do you plan on doing after school? I mean, you’re 16 and in your senior year right? That’s kinda Young.” Josh chuckled. “Says grandpa.” I chuckle. I found out he’s 20 really. He gasps as if he’s shocked. “I might be the santa, so I should be nice if I were you.” I laugh. This guy just cheers me up somehow.

“I’d like to do something with music.” I tell him. “How so?” I like the way he’s so interested in me really. “I write songs all the time you know.. Play guitar, I even used to dance but quitted anyways because I got in a band with three other guys. We made our own music, had small performances in pubs, but eventually we just fell apart.” 

He nods. “I see. You should definitely make sure you have enough time for your music keeping your grades up, going to the gym and being on the soccer team, not to mention you should atleast expect to be one hour longer at the gym having sport dates with me.” I laugh again. “And what exactly am I training dear personal trainer.” “Well, you seem to think I’m funny. So that might be your jaw muscles.”

“Stop making fun of me!” I laugh, slapping his arm playfully. Again Liam glances at me. I roll my eyes in an irritated way, not carefull enough though, because Josh takes notice. “What’s wrong?” “Ehmm..” “Am I annoying you?” “No, not at all.. It’s just..” I feel like I can trust him, so why not tell it..? “It’s just that Liam’s constantly looking at me and it’s pretty annoying.”  I confess. “You guys have a history, don’t you.” “Well, you catch up quit..”  I mutter, sipping my coke.

“What happend if I may ask? I mean, he seems to be kinda… interested in you and all you do is push him off so..” “Promise you won’t Judge..” I swallow as he simply nods and I know he won’t.  “We kinda.. were sexbuddies till next week?”  I say with a small voice and he seems suprised.

“I didn’t saw that coming.. Niall why would you let someone use you like that?” I shrug weakly. “Guess it was a way of feeling loved… A bad one.” “You don’t need such a thing to feel loved babe.” He tells me.

“Anyone would fall in love with you.”


As the week passes on I have alot of contact with Josh, which I enjoy to Liam’s dismay. “What has you so happy?”  Zayn questions, walking up to me as I’m stuffing alot of stuff in my locker.

“Just.. things.” “Or someone.”  Jesus, am I that easy to look through? “Maybe..” “Who’s she?”  She. S.H.E. He’s not a she, but I won’t tell. “That’s my secret.” I chuckle as he sighs.

“I think Louis and Harry have something going on…”  Zayn suddenly spills and hell, I know exactly what he means. Those boys are close past friendschip. The blushing, compliments, flirting, cuddling, small kisses even. “It doesn’t really bother me.” “Me neither. I just never imagined Harry liking it up the ass.”  I burst into laughter at his statement. “Zayn if he’s gay doesn’t mean that he specially likes it up the ass. Maybe he’s a top.”  “Well you seem familiar with those words.” He chuckles and I instantly go pale.

“I’m not a top. I’m a bottom.”  A deep voice scoffs, pretty much saving me. It’s mostly Zayn’s jaw that drops, but I might admit I’m suprised by the way Harry practically came out. “Thought I’d help you guys out a bit hmm.” He chuckled, opening his own locker which is two lockers away from my own.

“Well, in that case, are you and Louis a thing?”  Zayn questioned right away. Harry flushed, but looked away in order to hide it. “No, we’re not..”  He muttered. “You want it to be though, am I right?” I question, but I’m not getting an answer. “Come on Harry, it’s too damn obvious.” “He’s together with Eleanor now.”  The younger lad said with a cracked voice.

“No way.”


The school day passes by slowly and I’m more then relieved hearing the bell ring telling me I’ve survived my last class. I get up and get my soccer stuff at my locker and then move to the changing rooms, already seeing serveral bags.

I’ve been looking forward to practise all day really, plus we are told who the new team captain is today, which is sort of.. exciting in some way.

“Heey Niall.”  Ed chuckles as he walks in. He also made it on the team. We know eachother from music class. “I heard you’re getting back into music class.” I roll my eyes at that. “Absolutely, art class is boring is heck.”  Now that’s a lie. Art class is amazing, it’s just that Liam’s in there, so I switched back…

“Well, would you like to pair up with me for the next project?” “Yeah sure, what’s it about?” I question as I take on my shoes. “Just song writing about your feelings. You’re allowed to do it alone or together. It will still mean we will have to write two songs, each person one, but we could make use of eachothers talents.” I chuckle and nod. We’ve been doing that since freshman year really.

I wait ti’ll Ed is done as well as we walk to the field together and guess who I see there… I feel like Liam is all around me lately and I don’t ike t at all. “Guys, just warm up a little. 6 rounds around the field. Then grab a ball and just pass a bit. Oh and Liam is the new captain.”

Well great.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2014 ⏰

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