Chapter 4

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It’s been a couple of days and I’m good to go again. Honestly the Sting has been gone for about 2 days now, but I first wanted my mind cleared before going to a place were I could walk into Liam again.

A new semester starts off today and I’m kinda excited. I joined art class considering I was too late last semester. The class had already been full, but I made sure to be extra early this time and was guaranteed a place almost instantly.

Plus I signed up for the soccer team. The selections are made tomorrow afternoon after school as the new team captain will be chosen as well out of the old teen members.

Our school gets involved in tournaments quite alot, which isn’t such a suprise considering it’s awfully big. There are alot of after school activities as soccer is one of them. I used to play soccer before but quitted after a knee injury. I’m still having knee troubles, but they are less worse then before. I’ve also decided that I want to start running and working out again like I used to. I used to have slightly visible muscles, but there’s barely anything left of it.

I’m still not quite sure what to do when it comes to Liam. Actually, I’m pretty terrified by what happend last time. I can’t help it but think that he kissed me in the car just to make sure I’d return to him and I don’t think I can do it.

I’m behaving like a slut.

When I reach school I step out of my car and sigh softly. The weather has been horrible for the past days and I had hoped for it to be over by the time I had to go to school again. I just hope that my car doesn’t break down again like two weeks ago.

I enter the building, making my way through the hallways. I’m early, so there’s barely anyone there. Walking over to my locker I unlock the lock and look inside. I glance at myself in the mirror. Yes, not only girls pimp their locker. I’ve got a mirror, a pencilholder, some pictures of me and my friends hanging into it. It’s organized, unlike Louis’... God, his locker is such a disaster! Not to mention his bedroom…

“Niall?” I turn on my heels to face Liam and instantly feel like turning back. He had been trying to call me and text me, but I simply ignored them. “What do you want?” I question, turning back to my locker, shamelessly just searching for the stuff I need instead of facing him.

“Are you okay?”  “Why wouldn’t I be?” I scoff with a thick Irish accent. “Well, you know what happend..” “I’d rather forget.” “Why haven’t you been answering my calls?”  “Why would I?” “Because it’s polite.”  I huff and close my locker. “I’m suprised you have that word in your vocabulairy.” “Don’t start like this.” “Can’t you just leave me the fuck alone?” “No.” “And why’s that?” “Because I love you.” “No, that’s bullshit and you know it. Therefore even if it was true, I would never love someone like you.”

I might have seen hurt flash over his face before I turned around and walked off to my first class not caring about being far too early.


Saturday. Finally. A week has past and it has been a great one really. I’ve sighed up at the gym and just received my card and necessary items. If you sign up you get a drink bottle, lock for the locker room, a t-shirt (which I’m never going to wear) and a card to check in with.

I’ve made it on the soccer team as well. Something went wrong with deciding who the new team captain would be considering a couple of older members couldn’t make it, so it’ll happen next week. I honestly don’t even care. I made it on the bloody team!

Liam hasn’t really bothered me anymore. The day after we met at my locker he tried to talk to me again and I harshly turned him down. He hasn’t tried again ever since. I guess I miss him in sort way, but it’s not like he’s ever going to find out. Things are fine like this.

I get up from my bed and dress up in comfortable clothes. Now I’ve received everything I need for the gym I might as well make use of it.

After having breakfast it doesn’t take long before I reach the gym. It’s about a ten minutes walk, so I don’t bother taking the car. I’m hoping to see Josh really. When I sighed up I spoke to a guy named Josh Devine who works as a personal trainer. We talked about what I wanted to achieve and eventually ended up talking about cool things. He goes to college 3 days a week and works at the gym 3 days as well.

I smile when I see him behind the counter. “Hey Niall.”  He says smiling and I’m glad he reconizes me. “Hiya.” I chuckle. “How have you been?”  “Great. What about you? Did you make it onto the soccer team?” He questioned. “I did.” He gives me a warm smile. “I’m proud. I made your schedule by the way. If you wait a second I’ll print it for you.” I nod as I watch him get behind the computer.

“Josh, where did you store t- Niall?” I swallow as Liam walks behind the counter. No way… Does he really work here?! “Uhm, hi.” I scoff, not bothering to look at him. “Do you guys know eachother.”  “Yeah, we’re fri-“  “Classmates.”  I cut Liam off, glaring at him. We’re not friends and sexbuddies isn’t exactly a name to shout out in public either is it?

I guess Josh feels the tension because he doesn’t ask any more questions. He prints my schedule. “I assume you’ll find everything?” I told him I used to go to the gym. I just nod and look it over. “Just look for me if you got a question. I wouldn’t mind to help you at all.” He said with a wink, making me blush slightly. I turn, but not before giving Liam a short glance and the expression gives only one thing away…


I'm sorry for the very late update. I have no inspiration lately, therefore I've had my finals, been busy etc etc etc. I'll try to update as much as possible. To make it up to you guys I won't put a goal on this chapter in the hope you all love me again (;

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