Chap. One

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The Marauders, along with Lily, were sitting around a campfire. Two tents on either side of them and every protection charm they knew was cast over the small site. They had just dissapperated from Lestrange Manor, Voldemort's current headquarters. The Marauders had came to rescue Lily. Bloody, filthy, covered in cuts and her clothes ripped once or twice, she was staring intently at the fire, trying to banish the memories of the past three days, but they just kept replaying in her head.

It was the Christmas holiday of seventh year, she went through the barrier, looking around for her parents. She saw her father and Petunia, and began walking over. She noticed the worry on her father's face and Petunia had been crying. "Tuney? Dad? What's wrong? Where's Mum?" She asked, nervous of the answer.

"Your mum has been in a car wreck, she's in the hospital, come on, Lily, we need to get over there quickly." Mr. Evans blurted out, grabbing her suitcase and speeding off. Lily remained right on his heels, trying to comfort Petunia.

They shuffled into a waiting cab, and after her father telling the cabbie of his wife's condition, the driver quickened pace. They flew past the hospital, and drove toward the upper side of town. Lily, being worried about her mother and trying to comfort her sister, didn't immediately notice. But as they began to see much larger houses than they should, Lily popped up her head. "Umm, sir, we've passed the hospital."

He turned in the seat to face her and suddenly pointed a wand. "Stupefy!" He responded.

The spell just only missed her and she pulled open the door of the cab, running out into the quiet street. Suddenly, Death Eaters were coming from every direction. Lily fought valiantly, noticing her family in the cab staring straight forward. They had been Imperiused. "Not a smart move." Lily mumbled, immobilizing another wizard. She took out about fifteen, working her way to the edge of the circle.

Lily began to run, using other Death Eaters to block anything flying her way. She was almost to the edge when she tripped and landed on the pavement, sinking her left knee and palms. As she tried to recover and sprint down the street, the nearest Death Eater (Who might of been Barty Crouch Jr., but she couldn't be sure) stunned her and lifted her into the air. They then took her to the mansion.

Upon arrival she was thrown (quite literally) into the sitting room. She remained awkwardly positioned against the bottom portion of a large armchair, rather similar to the ones in Gryffindor common room, but this one was black and less worn.

After what seemed like ages, the door was opened again. A blond woman came in, raised her wand, and awakened her. Lily stood defiantly, staring at the woman, shoulders back, looking proud.

"I don't actually want to hurt you if at all necessary, but I will if I have to." The woman told her, her voice menacing and at the same time bored. As though she where above interrogating muggle-born school girls. "All I want is information on Dumbledore. Just tell me and we can both be on our way. What do know?"

Lily took and deep breath, not breaking eye-contact. "He likes three sugars in his tea-" Lily screamed as the female Death-Eater began to torture her, stopping just a few seconds after. She raised her eyebrows, prompting for more information. "He's especially fond of candies-" she yelled as the Crucio curse was cast upon her once more.

"He still finds time in the day to iron his sock-" She replied before screaming, still standing her ground.

"-which is pretty remarkable considering how busy he must b-" She yelled again, the pain finally getting to her and she fell onto the floor. She pulled herself back up, resuming eye-contact. "Is that all? Or would you like mo-" She was hit again, her knees giving out. The blonde woman just sighed, rolled her eyes, and left the room. As the door shut, Lily collapsed completely on the ground. Crying silently she checked herself over, inspecting the damage. She slowly willed herself to calm down, sitting criss-cross on the floor. Very soon after, the door opened just a bit for a hooded figure to say, "Petrificus Totalus" And then slip the door closed.

Out of the Castle, into the War: A Marauder FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon