Chap. Six

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"Evans!" James whispered up the stairs. "Evans!" After minutes of calling up the girls dormitory stairs, just as James was getting the notion to climb the handrail as Lily stumbled down the stairs.

"Potter?" She hummed, tripping over her feet as she reached the last few stairs. James reached out and caught her just in time, letting out a sigh of relief. He picked her up bridal style and she leaned against his shoulder, snuggling up to him. He draped his invisibility cloak around them, having to crouch so it covered his feet. He pulled out the magical map of Hogwarts (The Marauders made it themselves) and began to adventure through the castle. He carried her to a blank wall and paced three times. 'I need a place for the perfect date.' 'I need a place for the perfect date.' 'I need a place for the perfect date.' He turned and looked hopefully at the wall, biting his lip at the door. He concealed the map and placed it in his back pocket, squaring down so that he could open the door with out moving Lily too much.

He let the cloak slither to the ground as he took in the room around him. He put Lily gently onto the purple couch that slanted out from the wall with the door. From it you could see out the fake window with a real view of the grounds. There was a table set for two, complete with a candle and flowers. James turned around to wake her up, but she was already sitting up, looking around. "You did all this for me?"

"Well," James grinned rubbing the back of his neck with one hand, the other tucked into the pocket of his flannel PJ pants. "My dear Evans, meet the Room of Requirement." He gestured to the room around him. "A magical room of the castle that can grant it's user anything they need. And one at a time, too."

"What if one of the teachers walk in?" Lily worried aloud, her feet curled beneath her on the couch, pointing toward where James stood in the middle of the room.

"It's hidden, so they can't catch us." James grinned watching her, hands in his pockets.

"Speaking of catching us. Why couldn't we just do this tomorrow? Why at night?" Lily yawned.

"Shh, so many questions, Evans." He smiled, strolling over to her. He slid his arm over her shoulders and placed a hand out, guiding her off the couch and to the window. "You don't get this kind of view in the day." He whispered into her temple, sending shivers down her spine. She bit her lip as they both gazed out the window, until finally, James broke the silence. "Hungry?"

She snapped back to reality. "A bit, I guess. What's on the menu?" She asked, looking over at the set table.

"Lets find out." James leaned toward her a bit more before he sprung off, leaving Lily's shoulders cold. He placed both hands on the covers of the trays and pulled off them off at the same time. "We are having soup-cheesy potato, it appears-along with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and gummy bears. Mmm." James chuckled.

"Yummy." Lily took her seat across the table, laughing. "So, if it's hidden, how did you find this place?" Lily asked, cooling a spoonful of soup.

"That was a pretty good story actually. We, the Marauders, were running from Filch one night in fifth year and I guess since we all ran past with the same thought, it worked for three times. Pads saw the door and we hid in here for a few hours. Naturally, we were curious; we hadn't found the room before in five years. We figured it out and we've been coming here off and on ever since." James explained, laughing a little as he ate a PB&J.

"Hmm." Lily nodded, swallowing some soup.

James through a funny bear in her direction, landing it in her spoon as she brought it up to her mouth, splashing cheesy goodness on her nose. She smirked and whipped it with her sleeve, throwing one back. Soon enough, they were pelting each other with gummy bears. Lily throwing one at a time, aiming for the nose and James throwing groups, sending them flying through the air to hug the freckles on her cheeks.

Back and forth the gummy bears went, many were eaten along the way. Sandwiches were eaten in stealth and soup was spilled. They giggled the night away, still trying to eat while the other attacked them with miniature, squishy, arial bears.

"We need to get moving, it's almost morning." Lily said while James tried to re-load.

"Not just yet." He grinned, leaving the bears peacefully in the bowl. "The sunrise, Evans." He slid his arm over her shoulders again, urging her over to the couch. They sat down, Lily snuggling against his shoulder. The couch was so soft, and James so warm, Lily began to drift off to sleep when James whispered, "Here it is."

She pulled her eyelids open, mesmerized. She thought about it and she had never seen a sunrise at Hogwarts. And now would probably be her last opportunity. Colors danced across the grounds, leaving her to behold in awe. "It's, well, beautiful." She breathed out.

"Yea, you are." James smiled, the sunlight hitting his eyes just right.

"That was really cheesy." Lily whispered, bringing her face closer to his.

"It was." He agreed, lowering his own.

What began as gentle quickly grew to passionate. They scrambled to destroy the space between them, Lily's hands running through James' hair, and his resting on her hips. They explored each others mouth until both sets of lungs were calling desperately for fresh oxygen. They pulled themselves apart, foreheads still touching, breathing deeply. Smiles shone crimson on both faces, and the only thought Lily could form was, "I just snogged James Potter. And I liked it."

Once they regained their breath and were thinking about leaning forward once more, Lily yawned loudly. "Bed time?" James grinned.

"Bed time." Lily agreed, catching his elbow as he sat forward, preparing to stand. "We can't just go now, we'll risk getting caught. How about about we just sleep here, and rejoin everyone around lunch time?"

Deciding to ignore the fact that the map an cloak could get them both back to the common room easily, James agreed. "Does anyone know where you are? So they don't get worried?"

"Alice. The boys can cover for you?" She asked, her eyelids beginning to droop, the excitement of the night was wearing off.

"Mmhmm." James hummed, sitting back against the couch, leaning to the side a little more. Lily rested her head on his shoulder, his head resting on top of hers. He reached and pulled the blanket off the back of the couch, covering them with it. Within minutes, they were asleep.

Out of the Castle, into the War: A Marauder FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now