Chap. Eleven

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You poor darlings! it's been so very long since I've updated and I apologize. I haven't had much time to sit down and write this, even though I do miss it. I'll do my best to be better, but I've got school and church and sports, bear with me and happy reading!

Lily kissed Alice's cheek and waved to the rest of the group. "Bye guys, we'll see you in a week!" She blew a kiss and crossed through the barrier with James. "Okay so my dad brought his car down here for us to drive back. Him and Mum drove back in Mum's car so they can help with plans and things. It's the green one." She pointed, beaming. James refused to let her drag her own suitcase, so she unlocked the trunk and he placed their bags inside. Lily threw the only bag James hadn't snatched from her and ran with, into the back seat. James looked rather excited when he got into the passenger seat, examining everything. "Buckle Up." She told him, pulling her own seatbelt across her body. He followed suit and jumped a little when she started it up. She pulled onto the road and James looked absolutely ecstatic just to be in the car. They drove for about ten minutes and were already caught in London traffic. Lily popped in a CD, and began to tap her hands on the steering wheel as the music came on.

"I've never heard this one. And look at everything. The Muggle side of London always amazes me." James said in awe, looking around.

Lily giggled, "It's muggle music."

"Sing it for me, I've never heard you sing." James said. He said it softly, looking at Lily like she was the most interesting thing in Muggle London, because through his eyes, she was. He spoke with curiosity, almost a question. It was James' voice that made Lily glance over at him, needing more confirmation that she had heard him right. The look on James' face and the little spark in his hazel eyes made something click inside Lily. She had dated before, but she had always been careful with 'love'. She was saving her 'I love you.' When she looked over at James, she had to bite her lip just to keep from letting it slip out. And that's when Lily knew, she knew that she was going to protect James Potter or die trying. This caused her to nod and begin to sing softly.

She finished the song and turned to him, her voice still soft. "James Potter, I think I'm falling in love with you."

"'Bout time." He smiled, "I fell a while ago, I've been waiting for you to catch up." They both chuckled as someone honked their horn behind them and Lily began driving again. It was only about an hour to drive to Manchester and Lily pulled into the driveway and pressed on the brake, unmoving. The whole way she told James stories all about Petunia and all that she knew of Vernon, her sister's boyfriend. James made faces and held her hand as she spoke, never saying more than a word at a time, just to let her know he was still listening. She told him how much Petunia seemed to hate her now, but that couldn't be true because she was here for the wedding. The ride was mostly spent reaffirming her and Petunia's relationship. But now that she was home, it all seemed too much. She placed the car in park and just sat in the Driver's seat, staring at the house without turning off the car. "Evans? Lily, come on, we've got to get out. Lily?" James reached over and grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze. She held onto his hand for dear life but didn't, couldn't say anything. He took that as his queue to speak and continued. "Lily. She wants you at the wedding. So let's get in there, I'm starving." He smiled, and Lily turned over to look at him. Her green eyes were big and afraid, and they were searching James' for something. He didn't know what for exactly, but after a moment she must have found it, because she turned off the car and stepped out, meeting James at the back of the car. He carried their bags inside, Lily's over-the-shoulder bag, hanging over her shoulder. They walked onto the landing and Lily rang the doorbell before showing James inside. Mrs. Evans came running into the hallway, grinning.

"Lily!" She hugged and kissed her on the cheek, Mr. Evans popping up from the living room when he heard his youngest daughter's name. He hugged Lily and kissed her forehead, turning and appraising James.

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