Chap. Four

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The first weekend in February rolled around and she was walking into the Great Hall when Severus came rushing toward her. "Lil-!" She already held her hand up, walking in. Remus saw her storming in with Severus sulking behind. He raised an eyebrow. Lily rolled her eyes and shook her head a little, walking toward him. He scooted down the bench, leaving a spot between himself and James.

"Thanks, Remus." She sat down, sitting a bit closer to James than necessary. "Good morning, Marauders." She told them, digging into a bowl a cereal.

After a while, breakfast ended and they all stood in line, waiting to be let through the doors.

James and Lily were walking up the road to Hogsmeade, with Sirius, Remus and Peter in front. They talked the whole way through the town, Lily motioning avidly and James strolling along with his hands in his pockets, trying not to ruffle his hair.

The couple finally made it up to the Three Broomsticks, where they sat at a booth against the wall, away from most. They had ordered a butter-beer a piece and were drinking it as they chatted. James was talking and Lily started laughing hysterically. James continued to talk, smiling like an idiot and chuckling as he spoke. Lily threw her head back and clutched one of her sides as James just kept talking. Lily was gasping for breath and James didn't stop. After about ten more minutes she finally calmed herself down enough to breath correctly and they resumed conversation.

"Wow. Took them long enough." Sirius told Remus, sipping his butterbeer.

The latter nodded, "I could tell it was coming soon. Especially after the," He cleared his throat and leaned a little closer, "'Manor' fiasco."

"What do you think Prongs said? To make her laugh so much? Hmmmm." Sirius said, watching the pair just as intently as Remus and Peter.

Peter shrugged, "Hard to tell. Hey, wanna go to Zonko's?" He asked, with no indication of moving.

The pair sat in their booth and talked the whole day away, finally they looked up to see the pub was almost empty. They rushed out into the rain, their cloaks billowing behind them. On the path up to the castle a puddle had formed. A mischievous smirk crossed upon both faces as they neared it. James prepared to jump and Lily grabbed his arm just as he left the ground, pushing him into the puddle. But he grabbed hers as he fell and they both went crashing into the muddy water. They ran back up to the castle, laughing, soaked, and covered in mud.

They walked into the hall just after dinner had begun. They were still laughing and talking as they entered, oblivious to the silence and staring eyes. They stopped and stared back at the rest of the students. The looked over at each other. James rose his eyebrows, smiling a little. She rolled her eyes and chuckled, sticking out her hand. He grabbed it and threw them into the air victoriously as cheers erupted around the Great Hall.

They walked to the Gryffindor table with quite a few "Congratulations", and wide smiles. They made their way to the remaining Marauders, who stood fist pumping and whooping on a bench. Sirius jumped onto James' back, ruffling his hair and yelling. Remus gestured to the table with his head and Lily sat down swiftly and gratefully. "You're great, Remus." She mumbled, her muddy face redder than her soaked hair. James soon sat down beside her, just as red as she was.

"WHOOOO!!" Lily cheered as Gryffindor scored a goal. It was the first game of the year, between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, and they were ahead by seventy points. She bit her lip as the quaffle was put back into play. The match waged on, the quaffle moving all around the field. Possession to Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, back to Gryffindor, and then again to Hufflepuff. She followed the ball back and forth, her smile getting even bigger when she saw James with the Quaffle. They had been dating for a month, and Lily was amazed at how much older and mature James had become and before she had hardly noticed. Before, she had Never given him a chance to grow up.

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