Chap. Ten

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Severus just stared at them both before storming out of the classroom. Lily's chuckles stopped and she looked over at Alice. "What?" Alice shrugged, still smiling. "I didn't lie. Lil, you and I both know that kid is bad news. Everyone knows he claims to like you or care about you or whatever, but he's a Death Eater." With that Lily froze, looking up from her notebook to stare at Alice. "If he wanted to be your friend he would have taken one of the gazillion chances you had given him. He chose the dark arts over you, and he has to live with that." Alice told her, closing her mouth as Professor Slughorn walked to the front of the class and gave them their instructions.

"I know, Al. But just, he was my first real friend. The first one to tell me about being a witch and this whole magical world. He was there for me when Tuney called me a freak and ran off. He showed me how to use my magic, and lead me down the right path. And now? Now, I feel like I've failed him. Like I should have stopped him somehow." Lily sighed, mixing her potion.

"Lily, there was nothing you could have done." Alice assured her. "How many times did you try to tell him, 'I dunno, Sev., that doesn't sound right.' How many times did you turn a blind eye to his fascination with the Dark Arts, or his constant use of the word," Alice paused, an angry look on her face as she remembered, "'mudblood'." She spat lowly, squishing her worms a little too much. "Lily, you tried your very best, but he choose his path and you chose yours. He just picked the wrong one."

Lily sighed, chopping up a dead salamander's tail. "I guess you've got a point, Al. If Severus was really my friend, he wouldn't be doing this. Okay, so lets talk about the wedding." She decided, turning the conversation. All the while ignorant to Severus' presence outside the door, listening to everything until she said 'wedding'. He stormed off again, angry as ever.

First period was over and the students moved around to their next class, Lily waving good bye to Alice to go to Divination. Alice met up with Frank and James, who all three had a free block. "You know, it's just starting to get warmer, why not go out on the lawn today, I could use some fresh air." Alice suggested.

The boys both agreed and they set out for the big tree just in front of the castle. They pulled out their books and began to study when a noise was heard in a bush by them. "I call it!" Frank yelled, pulling out his wand. "Our usual?"

"10 points rabbit, 15 squirrel, 20 fox." James confirmed, leaning back.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Frank yelled, and Severus shot up out of the bushes.

"Expelliarmus!" Snape yelled, turning his wand toward James. "Sectrumsempra!"

"Aaaaaahhhh!!" James howled, a red gash appearing down his torso.

"You don't deserve her!" Severus screamed, going nearer to James. Alice took off for the castle as Frank grabbed Severus by the ankle.

"Coward!" Frank shouted, throwing the wand from Severus' hand. He was on top of a bloody and bruised Severus when Professor Slughorn came bumbling down the hill behind Alice.

Still in a sprint, Alice fell into a graceful skid, dropping. to her knees beside James. "It's going to be just fine, okay? Stick with me, Potter." Alice soothed, examining his chest. "Just another scar, look all tough for Lily." She grinned, causing the same from James, who winced with the action. Slughorn levitated James up to the castle, shouting through the halls.

"Poppy!" He called as they arrived, and the matron came scurrying out of her office.

"I starting to believe you like it here, Mr. Potter." She told him as he was laid on a bed. She went to work and patched him up first before attending to the other two. Severus was in a bed across the room, and she tended to his cuts and cleaned up the blood. Frank received a quick clean up on his knuckles and a swift pat on the back before he left for class. "You boys will be missing classes for the rest of the day, understood?"

"Yes, ma'am." James grinned, laying back on the bed. He heard classes change and began watching the door. Lily had a free period now, along with Remus and Alice. '3, 2, 1.' He counted to himself as the three barged in, lead by Lily.

"If someone doesn't tell me exactly what happened within ten seconds!" She began to threaten before seeing the severity of James' wounds. "Five seconds!" She demanded, not seeing Severus in the other bed.

"Well, Lil." Alice began, explaining that Severus attacked him, and James taking over once Alice reached the end of her knowledge.

"Why would Frank do that?! Beat up Sev.!" Lily was still shouting and looking like it was the worst course of action for her friend. "He isn't worth the bruised knuckles!" Lily yelled, her red hair practically aflame. "What was he even thinking? Why would he even attack James?"

"Aside from obvious reasons, ask him yourself. He's hiding on the other bed." Remus motioned toward him with his head and Severus looked petrified with fear.

Lily took a breath in and it wouldn't have surprised anyone in the room if she would have breathed out fire. She crossed the room rather quickly, grabbing Severus by the shirt and getting right into his face. "You have twelve seconds to explain yourself or I will curse you so bad St. Mungo's will not accept you because they won't know what species you are." She growled, dropping him back onto the bed and crossing her arms.

"H-He, He doesn't d-deserve you." Severus chattered out quietly, not meeting Lily's eyes.

"And I suppose you think you do?! Well, I have a bit of news for you, Severus. You do not deserve me, because I am not a piece of meat to be won over by the better man. I tried to be your friend, I really did, but you're going down a dark, cowardly and disgusting path that I will destroy or die trying. The next time you try to attack my boyfriend, I will ensure that you do not crawl away." She finished, noting that Severus finally snapped his head up to her.

"Boyfriend? Not fiancé?" Severus asked foolishly, before he could stop himself.

"Fiancé?" James whispered, looking at Alice.

"Petunia's wedding." She clarified, pressing her fingers to her lips.

Lily looked like she could have killed him right there, but instead forced her voice into a lower level. "Yes, you pathetic filth, boyfriend. But you know what, Sev.? If he were to ask me, I think I'd say yes. Because he's the best man I've ever met. And you? I wouldn't even call you a man." She spun on her heels, leaving a wounded Severus behind her. She kissed James on the forehead and picked up her bag. "Remus, Al., we have a Charms test next period."

Later that afternoon she returned alone. "Hey." She grinned, plopping into the chair beside James.

"Hey." He smiled back. "Oh, you've got a little something." He wiped at the corner of his mouth, and Lily brushed off the wrong side, so he reach over and did it for her. "Soup tonight?"

"Cheddar baked potato." She winked. "Anyway. I've meant to ask all day long, but would you like to be my plus one for Tuney's wedding? Alice threatened to shave me bald if I made her go." She giggled, glancing over at Severus' bed.

"It would be my pleasure. When is it?" He adjusted the pillows behind his back.

"The third day of Easter break. I was thinking we could drive there on Tuesday, wedding Wednesday and then come back on Thursday if you don't want to stay the week." She blushed a little, playing with her hands.

He held her hands and smiled gently, "I would love to stay the week with you."

"Wonderful. I'll go write Mum now." She grinned, getting up to leave. James kissed her hand and she rolled her eyes, but she didn't wipe it away as she left.

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