2. The Mission

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Finally some action! It was around 12:00 PM and Eliza and I had already gone through the weirdest conversation ever.

Metal garbage cans crashed to the ground, scattering the content inside as the suspect ran through. Jordan smiled at the obstacle course-their fourth attempt of slowing her and Eliza down. The two detectives vaulted over the garbage cans and continued the chase. Since he had bolted at the sight of them at his place, the chase had spanned two blocks snaking through alleyways--alleyways she knew better than the fleeing suspect. Up ahead, the alleyway branched into two separate paths. So we split, Jordan going one way Eliza the other. "Get out of the way," Jordan said at the men standing in the alleyway. They moved to the side of the alley. She ran through and kept going.  She knew these alleys better than anyone else, no one knew that. That's what made her so good at her job. Jordan made the next right letting Eliza follow the shadow straight. The alley that Jordan took was small enough for her to just fit shoulder to shoulder.  As Jordan neared the end of her section, the fast footsteps increased. By the sound of his running, the suspect was close. Jordan lunged out. Jordan collided with the man, tumbling to the ground. Jordan found her footing again. The suspect winced at the surprise attack. The suspect tried to move, Jordan did one of her moves on him, that suggested he didn't try anything fancy.  Eliza came to a jog as he saw. "I thought I had him," he said in a couple of breaths. I smiled at him, he tried to hide it.  Jordan straightened the suspect and put him in the car. "Sure you did." Eliza nodded his head. "Good work then." 


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