4 The Test

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The day of the test. Every trainee has to go through a series of tests, that will determine whats your best position in the force.  Eliza was up first, well he offered. They tell us to give them your mind, and that you'll be put under a mixture that will let them process your memories, how you reacted to them. some people takes hours to process. There was an article that read that one trainee died because he didn't come out of the mixture. The academy was forced to change the mixture or shut it down for good. 

(Eliza's POV)

Three years ago when I was about 17 and my little brother Mason was about 8 were sat at home waiting for my mother to come home from work and I was cooking dinner like she had asked me to do. I was doing well and then some teenagers who were messing around decided to start throwing stones at the house. I went outside to yell at them and finally scared them off. A lot of time had passed since then and I turned back to the house to go in and noticed that the door had blown shut on me. I tried to get the door open and that's when I noticed the smoke through the window in the kitchen. I began to panic and realize that there was a fire in there. I screamed for Mason to open the door and when I heard his terrified screams from inside I threw my body against the door and I did this repeatedly until the door finally splintered and I was able to get in.  

  The whole house was covered in smoke and I was frantically trying to find Mason. I realized I was getting closer as I heard his screams of terror and I ran towards him through the smoke. I found that he was trapped inside the kitchen and couldn't get out so I fought my way in. I was close enough that I could see him and realized that the fire was spreading slowly towards the gas stove and cried out as I knew what was going to happen. I tried to grab Mason but at the same time there was a loud bang and I was thrown backwards in the blast. As soon as I recovered I ran straight back towards the kitchen that was now fully on fire and screamed Mason's name but there was no reply. All that was there was Mason's burnt body all bloodied and all the skin singed off. I picked him up and started crying, I was so scared I started to try and find a way out of the house but as the kitchen was next to the front door it was surrounded my way out. I looked behind me and noticed the stairs and realize that my only way out would be up.  

 So I ran up the stairs with a dead Mason in my arms and ran for the nearest window. I could hear sirens in the distance from outside and realized that help had arrived. I could also hear my mother's screams as she was frightened for her children's lives. I arrived at the first floor window and with no hesitation I threw my body at the window smashing it. I then with Mason still tightly in my arms closed my eyes and jumped. 

I don't remember much after that because I blacked out before I hit the ground but when I came round in the hospital I remembered everything and cried silently. I vowed to myself that I would never cry again after that day because nothing would ever compare to the pain that day had brought. I also remember that, that day was also the last day that my mother spoke to me. I know she hated me before, I know she favored Mason but I was now the blame for his death as well. That was also the day that my life went completely down hill because to forget the pain I would go out and get drunk and high and I had to make my own way in life. 

Coming out of my flashback Eliza realized he was crying.H e hastily wiped the tears from his eyes and noticed all the eyes had been on him.Eliza got up and headed for the door. 

(Jordan's POV)

I looked in the cup that held the green fluid. I took one breath and tilted the cup up to my mouth. It didn't taste like much, water maybe. I sat on the big dentist like chair, and my eye lids fighting to stay open. 

The sun light from behind the curtains My eyes opening slowly. Then shock hit through my entire body. This wasn't my bed, let alone my house. Or even my clothes. I get out of the bed. Tip-toe to the bathroom, looking at my self in the mirror I don't even recognize the reflection. I look down to the counter there's a blue flower and a photograph of a boy that must have been 9. A surge of panic trails through my veins, where am I? I get changed and head out side. is there anything that can tell me where i am. Walking for what felt like a mile, there was a sigh up ahead that was blurred, I couldn't read it. I didn't know where I was, or how I got here. 

After 3 hours of wondering I surge of dust formed nearby. I was the only one that must have noticed it. 

Jordan didn't know what just happened, she was sweating from head to toe. She was at the Academy. She couldn't get up on her own feet. Max came up to her, and offered her a hand, she took it. "Looked like an interesting history Jordan" he told her. "Oh..I don't remember much of it" Jordan muttered to Max. As they made there way back to her room. Max said that she was the quickest trainee to pass the first round. 

Jordan knew that the picture that was in the memory she had seen before, she doesn't know where though. And why was the sign blurred? 

That night Jordan didn't feel like going down to dinner, even though they would give out the test scores. Eliza texted Jordan that night.

E: hey..It's Eliza, I was wondering how your test went I didn't see you down in the hall?

J: I don't know how my test went, Ill find out tomorrow. I just wanted some down time i guess. Hbu?

E: I did OK, they aren't how I chose the Academy after something like that. 

J: Yea that was pretty interesting, are you OK?

E: Yea it was three years ago. I honestly didn't know that i would have to relive it here though.

J: Yea I know what you mean.

E: How about yours, you went by so fast, they are saying that you are the fast in years. 

J: I don't really know what happened in mine.

E: well maybe tomorrow will be easier. GN

J: See ya tomorrow

Then the lights when out.


Running in the dark, there was nothing that was settled. The air was stiff and thick. Running every night at the same time, the same place. The one thing that changes are the voices I hear and the people's silhouettes. 

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