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Back at the station, Jordan let Eliza take the suspect in. Jordan  would still get the credit. It was the least she could do, Jordan needed to claim that she was just as good if not better for the job. Jordan waited in the car for Eliza. 

When Eliza came back he handed Jordan a file. Inside there was a photo and profile

Vex Ty age 21, criminal record of robbery, hit and run, assault

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Vex Ty age 21, criminal record of robbery, hit and run, assault.

"So what now partner?" Eliza said. Jordan looked at him, he explained, that yes he didn't think very highly of Jordan at first but they gave them that assignment to prove each other wrong. 

Jordan knew that Vex had to have a stash of what ever he is hiding. Eliza suggested that we start at his childhood. So they started there. 

The drive took forever, They talked about Jordan's past. Jordan was very careful of what she told him. She still didn't know Eliza that well. Eliza kept drilling her with questions. As Eliza  drove, easing off the question, Jordan studied him. Taking it all in. 

Eliza had light brown hair, that matched his hazel eyes

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Eliza had light brown hair, that matched his hazel eyes. With that followed the shape of his face, the perfect jaw line, and clean cut freshly shaved. He could be friendly, if you didn't work with him. Jordan wondered if he had any family. 

Jordan snapped out of gaze of Eliza to the fast breaking car. 

"Sorry, probably should have given you a warning a." say Eliza.

"That would have probably been a good idea, but no problem." Jordan replied. 

They turned into a parking lot. Where the driveway split into two paths. They parked the car and got out. Walking down the first path which was twisty and large. That lead to a barn. They checked it out, but nothing. So they tried the other path, this one was more straight, and narrow. Almost like a bike path. It lead to a house. This house was huge, and kinda ratty. It looked abandoned.  They went in and split, Eliza takes the back room and Jordan the Hallway. 

The moment they are both out of sight of each other, Eliza hears a cock of a gun. Eliza ducks, and the gun goes off. so that roles off that the shooter is a softy and wont shoot, Eliza tackles the guy to the ground and the guy who is like twice the size of him knocks him out cold with he end of his gun, the next thing all happens in a blur, a gun goes off and two bodies are lying on the ground of the house and the door opens then closes. (Who shot who?)

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