Chapter 4

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Ezra what happened? Raider Azadi said. I answer, We had an issue at the battle of Scarif. Rider says, What happened there? I say, The Empire used their planet killer on the planet, it killed our entire team. Rider says, I am so sorry Ezra. Rider Azadi says, I thought the rebellion had a victory with the theft of the Death Star plans. I answer, It was a good mission until our team called Rogue one died. The we were reatring and a tie fighter shot our ship, and Hera is with the rebelion. Rider Azadi said, Where is Kannan at? I answer, Kannan is in the clutches of the Empire, he got captured. Rider said, Oh lets contact your friends. I say, Thank you. Sabine says to Rider, The transmition code is 4-4-4-8-2. Copy Rider says. Rider says, Im beaming out the trasmition but the empire has blocked the transmitions. Zeb said, We will need a new way to get a hold of the rebellion.

Grand Admirl Thrawn was a powerful Admiral in the Imperal navy, the only Imperal military offical that is non human. Admiral Constine says, Officer get me in contact with the Grand Admiral. The officer answers, Sir yes, Constine said, Grand admiral Thrawn we have a situation on Lothal. Thrawn answers, Ah Admiral Constine the Rebel attacks are a growing threat to the Empire. I will be on my to Lothal and when I get here I will not allow the rebels to be a growing threat to this Empire anymore. Constine answers, Yes Grand Admiral, I look forward to see you.

Grand admiral Thrawn we are now approaching Lothal. The louniteniet said. Thrawn answers, Ah soon as we arrive I will launch tie-defenders, and have them destroy the rebels. Yes sir. The louniteniet says, Grand Admiral we are getting a transmition from Admiral Constintine. Grand admiral says, Answer the transmition louniteniet. Grand Admiral the Rebel presence is over the planet should I launch a team of stormtroopers on their base? Thrawn answers, No Admiral Constine I have a plan to tear apart the rebels.

Meanwhile back on Lothal at the Rebel base. Sabine says, If we cant contact our friends of our network, but we can contact our friends from the Imperal network. I answer, How can we possibly get in the imperal network? Sabine answers, We attack the imperal complex and get into their computers and then contact the rebellion. Rider Azadi says, It sounds like a plan and maybe we can take out the imperal factory and destroy that tie-defender factory. Zeb says, Will lets go and attack the imperal factory. A rebel agent says, Sir on are scaners we are scaning three star destroyers and two light cruisers. Rider Azadi answers, The empire sent another fleet over our planet, we need to attack the imperal complex now before things get worse here on Lothal. I say Rider I have a team to attack the complex. Rider says, I will be coming with you Ezra. I answer, Thanks Rider now we have a team lets get to the speader and make our way into town. As we walked to our speader we starded the speaders engine and we took off into town.

As we drove into town the imperal tie fighters flew past us on the air way, I thought what could the empire be up to now. Rider Azadi said, Everyone be ready for battle we are now entering the captial city of Lothal. Zeb says Were always ready for anything that comes our way. A stormtrooper unit come and made our land speader stop. The stormtroper officer came to us and said, What are you doing with thoes exploses? As he ordered his troops to seize our exploses. I said back to the trooper, What does it look like we are doing with these exploses, we are going to blow up your base. Sabine grabed her pistals and shot all the troopers before they could even try to shot back at us. Sabine droped one of the thermal detonator in the street where the stormtroopers were coming. As we approached the imperal complex the AT-DP started to fire upon our speader, Zeb threw a thermal detonator at the AT-DP and it destroyed one of the two AT-DPs. I say, Rider we need to get inside the complex fast before they shut the blasts doors. Rider says, I know Ezra, Zeb throw one of those grenades at the other walker if you want in you will have to stop that walker. Zeb says, I am on it. Zeb threw the generades and it took out the other walker. Rider Azadi drove into the complex and Sabine threw a smoke gernade so the imperals coulnt see us.

My team jumped out of the speader and we started to place the thermal deanators around the complex. Sabine says We need to make our way to the communication levels of the complex so we can contact our friends from thr Imperal network. Rider Azadi says Floor 4 is where the main communication is being held at. I say, Then lets make our way their. Zeb says Can I please denate these exploses. I say, Shure thing when ever you want to you can buddy. Zeb says, Ill denate them now. The exploses went off on all of the three floors. We walked into the communication room and there are imperal officers everywhere and I ignited my lightsaber and I said, Get out of here now. All of the imperal officers left the room. Sabine pluged in the communicater to the holo table and made a transmition signal to the Rebel allaince. The trasmition was ansered This is commander June Sato who is this? Sabine answers, Commander Sato it is so good to hear your voice this is Spector five. Sato said, Sabine where are you? Sabine says, Were on Lothal we need help to get off the planet. Sato answers, I will send assistance at once for you. Sabine says Thank you Commander. Commander says, May the force be with you. As Sabine ended the trasmition stormtroopers ran into the room and I ignited my lightsaber and I sliced the stormtroopers into pieces. Rider Azadi says, We need to leave the complex now and make our way into the streets fast. Zeb shot the window open and he says, Then lets go now. We climed out of the complex and there were an imperal AT-DP in the street walking and I jumped up on top of the walker and I opened the hatch to get into the walker. I shot the piolt and our team got into the AT-DP. We started to move the walker out of town.

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