How It Started

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2017. The most horrible moment in LBT history. Everyone was on the bus heading home. All the adults, all the children. The bus swerved so it wouldn't hit a car coming directly at them. The bus tipped, rolled 3 times, and landed up side down...

Jimi was the first one to wake up. He got up and looked around. He searched through the bus. It was a tragedy. Jimi immediately started looking for someone. Anyone. He found a kids hand. It was Daisy. She was breathing. He moved her carefully to the grass outside. He went back in and kept looking, he found Kim and Rebecca, he moved them out next to Daisy. He was panicking, then he heard someone moving. It was Phillip. He got up and looked around and seen Jimi.
"Phil... thank god you're awake. I found Rebecca, Kim and Daisy... Help me find the others... please..."
"Alright." They searched for more people. They found Penelopi, Steve and Elijah. Luckily Dolly was in her car seat strapped down to the bus. She was tossed around a little but not hurt a lot. They found everyone except Karen. Jimi wasn't giving up, he looked high and low. He search that bus inside and out. Phillip helped as much as he could but tended to everyone and making sure they were okay.

Jimi eventually came back crying and depressed. He couldn't find Karen. He sat with Phillip cause Phillip made him rest.
But what they didn't know. Is that while everyone was unconscious even Jimi. A black van came and picked up Karen while she was also unconscious. The van took her to a secret lab and put her in a room and helped her recover. When she was good they put her in a room and waiting for her to wake up.

Two days after the horrific accident. Karen woke. She looked around and was feeling alright. She sat up and kept looking around.
"Jimi?" She got up and walked around. There was no windows. She went to the door which was locked. She banged and yelled. She backed away when she heard it unlock. A man and a woman in suits stepped in her room.
"W..who are you..? Where am I..?"
"We are agents that work with the witness protection Program. We had people watch you. We knew someone was attempting to hurt you. So we staged an accident and you now are under the protection of us. You will be given a new name. A new location. A new life."
"No... I have a family... I have a life... you can't take that away..."
"We did not take it away. We simply separated you from danger. Our boss needs you and knew you were being tracked. He couldn't let you die. You are too much of an asset."
"My family is not danger. And how am I an asset..?"
"We do not know. That is for our boss to know. You will be given some new clothes and a file with all your new information for your new life in it. You will be watched under 24 hour surveillance at all times. If you try to contact or even come close to your old life we will know."
"No... What if I don't listen..? What if I don't want nothing to do with this..? What if I choose to go back to them..?"
"You will be brought back here and they will be terminated."

Authors Note

Just wanted to ask what you think of the first ? If y'all like it then I will continue. If you don't I won't write anymore on it.
Please comment what ya think. Thanks.

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