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Karen's P.O.V.

They brought me the folder. The folder of my new life. I breathe and open it. I start reading.

~Welcome to your new life. A fresh start. Your name is Shaelynn Casey. Nickname: Shae. You have been giving a house and a dog at 7593 Lincoln Park Drive, Florida. You have a dog named Draco. Your new job will be a spy working for the witness protection program. You will begin your combat training at 5am tomorrow morning. Your job to the people you met and living around you is an office worker for Real estate. Your new ID and everything you need will be at the house when you are ready.~

I can't change my entire life... this is crazy... I decided enough was enough. I bang on the locked door.

"I deserve to have a choice! You can't just take my life away! I have a husband! A kid! People know my face! You can't hide who I am! People will figure it out!"

The door opened and the woman came in.

"No one will know who you are. Your training is for a year in this facility. No one will remember Karen Fairchild. The world right now thinks you've died."

"How the hell can you make the entire world think I'm dead when they don't have a body?"

"We do. We had everything planned and knew what we needed for this to work. Soon enough you'll be ready for the field and you won't be thinking about your past life."

I was getting pissed. "I have had enough of you telling me I can't be with my family. How would you like it if you were ripped away from your family..? I wasn't suppose to have kids... but my son is a miracle... my husband was with me through the most darkest times in my life... he knows me better then I know me... please... you don't understand... my family is the only thing that keeps me going... waking up to my husband holding me... my little boy running in to wake us and cuddle... I don't care what kind of bad thing was after me... or threatening me... I was happy with my family... and if you cared so much about people and their protection... then why'd you let so many people in this world die..? The bombing from the Boston Marathon...? The attack in Paris...? The Manchester incident..? Why they hell did you save me over thousands?!"

I was so pissed I was in tears and breathing heavy, with a red face. The woman stood there and made eye contact with a camera. I turned to look at the camera. And I spoke to who ever was watching us.

"Why the hell am I here and why do I live and thousands die?! You're not God! You don't get to choose who lives or dies!"

The door opens and I turn watching it. A male enters the room.
"You're right. I'm not God. But I can't save thousands. I can only save who wants to be saved."
"I didn't want to be saved."
"You did. Or you would have been wanting to be saved. There is a man. He was after you. He was goin to torture and kill you. We have ways of knowing things. We did this for you. Not for us. But I do think you have potential. And can be quite an assist to our team."
"What if I don't wanna be an assets?"
"You will be. Let's start her training now. Not tomorrow." The woman nods and takes my arm I pull it back and she grabs it again. I hit her and run for the door. The woman ran after me and tackled me. I turned and fought her as much as I could and I lost. The man was watching us.
"I see so much potential already and you haven't even been here a day yet." He walks out and the woman stands up.
"Get up and come with me or I will do it the hard way." I do as she says and we walk down a hall way

At the end of the hallway two big metal double doors swing open and a whole combat and gun training area has been set up.
"What makes you guys think I'm gonna cooperate?"
"Your family dies if you don't."
"I guess that's a good reason..." she pushes me towards a mat on the ground and a man walk up. He is very fit and looks pretty tough.

"Karen. Nice to meet you. I'm Lucas, your personal trainer. One of the best here" I watch him and keep quiet.
"Okay, I see you're nervous. That's okay. We'll be starting off with normal hand to hand combat. The clothes you are wearing is made for working out. You will be comfortable. But not always will you be in the clothes ready for fighting. So once we get you trained well enough in these we will give you other clothes to do all the courses with. Once you pass each course you will be graded. if you pass with a high enough mark, then you'll be sent out to your new life. But until then. Everyday you'll be with me in here training."
"How much do I need to pass...?"
"Well I've never seen anyone reach the bosses record. And that was 97 overall."
"What's the Mark to fail..?"
"80. Everyone here is an 85-90. I'm 91 and the boss is 97. If you were to bet his record then you have a special gift and will be out in the field a lot more. But you probably won't."
"That's uplifting..."
"Sorry. Nobody has yet beat me so I doubt you'll beat him."
"I don't care. I just wanna go home."
"This is your home."
"This is not my home." He comes at me and I jump out of the way. He turned quickly and was swinging his fist. I ducked and hit him with my fist and he stood up with a bloody nose.
"You may have the potential... no one has yet give me a bloody nose on the first day."
"Stop saying I have potential. That was a reflex."
"That was not a reflex. A reflex is when I scare you and you hit. Jumping and ducking out of the way and punching hard enough to show blood is more then a reflex."
"Whatever. Now what?"
"Well. Now we fight. Hit me"
"I can't."
"Hit me!"
"I Can't!"
"You want your family to live?!"
"I wish you would stop threatening my family!" I hit him again and he takes the hit and ducks when I throw the next punch. He hits me in the side and knees me in the gut. I fall and gasp
"Get up." I breathe and sit there.
"Get up!" I slowly get up and face him
"You're family is your weakness."
"My family is my strength. They keep me goin."
"Maybe when you were with them. But not now." He charges at me and I move away last minute and face him. He turns at me again and comes at me I kick him in the chest and hit him and he stumbles back.
"You were better than I thought."
"I know how to handle myself."
We keep fighting until he takes me down. We each have some cuts and are bleeding.
"Your combat is impressive. You will need farther training but you know the basics. Now come with me and we'll put you through the obstacle course." I lay there tired and sore.
"No break?"
"Breaks are only when you deserve them. You still have energy. Come on." I get up and walk with him. I look at the obstacle course and I see beams, moving blades, swinging objects and a couple doors. All up in the air with a net below to catch me when I fall.
"You will go as far as you can. Once you fall on to the net you will try again. Each door is password protected. You must get the password using only what you see in the obstacle course you pass through. I will be here watching you and guiding you. Now let's get started."

I do the obstacle course a few times each time I get thrown off. Lucas laughs and gives me tips.

Bosses P.O.V.

*Watching from the windows above*

"She has potential. She can already fight. She has made it farther than anyone has in the obstacle course on her first day then they did in a week. She is the one we've been looking for. She's the girl."box

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