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The world isn't split up into good people and death eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside us. 



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11 years Earlier 

Ensis Blakely stood by himself on a snow filled street, his painfully red hands stuck in his pockets and his electric blue eyes darting around nervously. A girl, no older than 21 ran towards him, her eyes streaming with tears as she cradled two infant children in her arms. It was his sister, Vega Blakely, her eyes wide with desperation as she stopped in front of him, her body colliding with him. Ensis met her half-way, steadying her. "Vega, why did you call me here?" He demanded to know, his voice shaking nervously while Vega gave him a sad smile. Only then did he realise her rosy cheeks were stained with tears. "What happened?"

"I'm so sorry." She whimpered as more tears rolled down her cheeks. Ensis reached forward taking Vassily from her grasp, he began to soothe and coo the small child his eyes darting around once more.

"What have you got to be sorry for Vega?" Ensis asked, his voice softening.

"Lily and James, he killed them," she croaked out, she bit the inside of her cheek waiting for Ensis' reaction. She watched as his eyes welled with tears, his lips parted and his jaw clenched.

"Did you know?" He slowly asked, his voice trembling. Vega closed her eyes and swallowed the lump in her throat, it was one of the worst things she could have done to Ensis. She knew how close they all were, how much they loved each other and she knew that Lily and James' death could break his heart. "Did you know?" He repeated himself, his voice was steady and filled with hatred. She tried her best to make herself appear smaller, make herself look as small as she felt.

"I did." She whispered, she couldn't meet his gaze as she looked to the ground. Ensis nodded, his eyes burning with sadness and anger. He wanted to hate her, to shout at her until he lost his voice but he couldn't. He couldn't because of the two children she held in her arms, he couldn't because she loved them too, he couldn't because he loved her, he couldn't because he understood she was in a dangerous position. It should have been simple. But it wasn't. Not even close. "I'm so sorry."

"I know." Ensis muttered. "What do you need?" He quickly asked, she looked up, slightly in shock, slowly she pulled up her sleeve revealing the dark mark, a shameful mark branded on her skin for all eternity. "I thought you were supposed to be the smart one." He tried his best to make light of the situation as a ghost of a smile appeared on her lips.

"Maybe once." She breathed out. "I need you to raise my children, I need you to love and cherish them with all your heart as I am unable to do so. I've been named a war criminal Ensis," she shared with her brother. "It's only a matter of time until I'm thrown into Azkaban and I'm not sure this is something Elizabeth can save me from." She admitted.

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