Chapter 30

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I have many times heard that times have changed.

And have always pondered about that saying.

What could be the actual change?

But then I found out something really interesting!

Earlier years were referred to rains, like "a few rains back, or a few rains later!" even the days were compared to the nature and called as "a few moons back and a few sun later."

But now things are different, we have started to compare everything with numbers, the rains are replaced by a describable word called year and so are the suns and moons.

But then I thought that would have been to make things easy for us... at least a person can't count the feelings yet, the love for another person isn't given a proper definition.

How wrong was I !

We humans want our life to be so easy, that now our love for other people have as well found new names – FLINGS.

I stood there silently looking at my best friend – neither crying nor smiling ... was this what people called a situation "void of any feelings"

But then she was feeling so much, that's what she said a minute ago.

"You know what the worst thing in this world is?"

I shook my head, how would I know that... but she told me-

"It's to know that you love someone, and yet you know that you can't love that person!"

Somethings that happen with us are so weird...

Two people they meet, know each other, find few things amusing and finally when they feel as if they are fond of each other tag them as love!

Well that's what I have seen till now ... that what has become the definition or the process of love in today's 21st century.

And then in that same 21st century I saw what Abha and Vihaan had.

When Abha had met Vihaan for the first time they had known each other, when they met the second time they started to study each other and through these many years they have started to feel for each other.

But things never be as favorable as they look, sound and we mean them to be.

They are always completely opposite!

I could never imagine what Abha would be feeling right now. Seeing the person whom you know, you have liked since the day you recognized what feelings are, and then letting them grow to love.

But it wasn't the kind of love you called FLINGS.

Rather her feelings were different as she had said and called them... something as pure as the first rain.

The feeling so sweet to nurture, that you could smell the fragrance of it, which would be so addicting and the knowledge of its presence, would only make you smile unknowingly.

So many things she knows, feels and acknowledges, yet can't accept them, just because she knows that their relationship is something which couldn't get its results.

I had tried to talk with her a lot of time, since what a week?

Yeah! It's been about a week that she realized how much she actually like Vihaan, yet when the realization hit her, realization that how she had to be there for her family, how she just can't yet afford to be in love with someone, and how even if she did love and afforded to fall in love it can't be Vihaan.

And We Fell In Love !!! (completed)Where stories live. Discover now