Your Bully To Your Lover ~ 13 ~

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After school...

Shaylynn's POV

"Alanah, I know Michael has a soft side for you and he really does love you. I mean did see him in the hallway?!" I sigh "I just wish I could find someone like Mike"

"Shay, you'll find someone. I know it! You're too pretty for anyone not to like you!" I roll my eyes and laugh " you sure? I'm hideous!" We both laugh. "Michael has a older brother, not by much and I heard he's into you." I look at her like shes crazy. "You're kidding me?!"

"Nope. I'll call Michael Right now!" she says making us both laugh. As she's about to take her phone out, the jerk or better known as Casey from Michaels gang.

Alanah's POV

"So... Michaels little girlie, huh? You're pathetic!" he shouts, pushing me back. "Back off will ya? She didn't do anything to you!"

"Yes she did! She made the leader of the baddest gang soft!"

"Michael doesn't even love you anyway!" He laughs "he's playing with you! He's with someone behind your back, using you! Did you really think the leader of the Black Aces would want someone like you? You'd have to be dreamin'!" I could've just punched him like Michael did but i can't even think about Michael right now. "Fuck off! You're lying!"

"Soon you'll find out the truth about that retard you call your boyfriend" He says, laughing to himself and turning away. 

"Shay, I really need to go I-"

"I understand. You should call him. Bye Lanah" She hugs me and we both go our separate ways, tears in my eyes.

Hope You Enjoyed! Xoxo ~ Shaylynn

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