Meeting De Prince:Pt.2

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Antonio P.O.V:

Let's think this over:

First, I was having a party doing me. Ladies was lookin fine,Gents. was ready to smash, and tittes and ass was flying.

Next, I'm on top of a random dude who blushes like crazy, when I was trying to get off and by my every move.

Then, that evil goose (my father) decides to make this random ass dude,who I've never met, my "roommate"........

Finally, we are at what I was about to say, which is.....

"WHAT?!" I say still choking on that 1 damn pancake.

"Woah, my boy, learn to eat food right. A true master knows, chocking is disrespecting it." He says trying to lighten the now annoyed mood, I've learnt to develop daily know.

Glaring back at him, with much hate as possible. I stand and walk back to my room, slamming the door.

It wasn't that princey dude, he hadn't did nothing wrong. It's that so-called father of mine. He's the king of geese. Evil bastards... Ever since I was about 7 my father's ignored me. It started when my mother decided to bring over her boyfriend even though she was married, to my father. As soon as he saw me I could easily see something in them not happiness nor hatred, something I didn't know was at that age.


Now whenever I think about it the lust in his eyes where as clear as daylight. At first I thought he was like a second father to me. He gave me new clothes, bought me unlimited pancakes, and always made mum happy. But once I learned that I was named after him, I started to see something in him, that I hadn't seen at first. He started getting all touchy and feely with me, he said it was important to get close to me when he became my new father. He then started telling me how my father and mother was going to get divorced. Which I had no idea was, so I asked my teacher.

*Flash back*

"Ms.Angle Le, what does divorce mean?" I asked after school one day.

"Why do you ask that, my Estudiante Talentoso?" She replied, Estudiante Talentoso means talented student in spanish.

"My mother friend said mommy and daddy was going to get a divorce." I told her, and her eyes went wide.

"Is this friend a boy?" She asked with her spanish accent dripping in concern.

"Yes, but what does it mean?" I ask dodging her question.

"Ask your mother to join me after school tomorrow, then she'll tell you." She says writing down something.

"Promise?" I ask holding out my pinky.

"Promise!" She says almost automatically clasping our pinkies together.

The next day when mum came to the school, she walked out of my classroom embarrassed. Our ride home was silent, the rest of the day was really, and when he came she went back cheery.

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