Getting Use To a New Tail Pt.1:

28 4 17

Antonio P.O.V:

I woke up to the sound of music. It was softly playing, but you could still hear it. Since the only other room next to mine is Princey's, I knew it was him. I groaned,stood up, and stalked to his room. Not bothering to knock I open the door, and to my expectation I see him look at me and blush. I've only been living with him for a week, and whenever he see's me he turns the brightest of red. He turns around his back facing me. I try and turn off the music, but as soon as my hand comes almost into contact with the power off button, he starts to sing.

"It's 5 o'clock in the morning,
The conversation got boring,
Said you're going to bed soon,
So I snuck to your bedroom,
And I thought I'd just wait there,
Until I heard you come up the stairs,
I pretended I was sleeping,
And I was hoping you would creep in"

Looking down he continues to softly hum the song to himself. I continue staring at him. After just starring at him for a good amount of time, I slowly walk towards him. I touch his shoulder slightly, and he stays still. Almost like he's sleep.

Almost like he's sleepwalking......

He's sleepwalking!

Wow Imma dumbass.....

I heard somewhere that you can't wake up someone who's sleepwalking, cause its dangerous? I think....yeah? I turn him slightly twords me to see his eyes. Instead of the sparkly green spheres filled of life, there are dull grey clouded orbs lifeless and meaningless. I frown slightly before slowly guiding him him to his bed. I bite my lip, trying to think of something. The only thing that comes to mind is the evil goose. I cringe at the thought of asking help from him. Debating on whether or not to wake up or not, I hear him change songs. The next song that he sings and that plays is a song that I've heard so many times I can memorize it by heart.

'Mama' by Tupac. I know this song so well because I have a friend who's mother loves old school. She was pretty much my mother and built in babysitter. Not mattering my condition or here she'll do anything for anyone. As long as you don't talk back,get smart, or hit without reasoning, you'll be on her good side.

But that's besides the point, I need him to go back to sleep cause I've a test early tomorrow and can't fail. I pat my jogger pockets, trying to find my phone. But then realize I left it on charger, cause I mean who would think to grab a phones at 3:57 in the morning. I look around to try and find any type of.....something to help, but to my luck I find nothing. I groaned frustrated and sleepy. I then spot his glowing gold laptop. I grab it and am automatically takin to Roblox. I chuckle slightly and make a new tab. Looking up sleepwalking, I feel someone lean on me. Turning my head even the slightest, I come face to face with Princey. He looks from me to his laptop, then back to me, and tilts his head to the side. I decide to ignore him as I start to scroll through the endless articles on sleepwalking. I come across one article from a doctor I actually know.

I'm the article it tells me to gently guide him twords bed, and not to touch so much. This should be easy enough. Is what I thought before I heard him yelling,

"Ima little butterfly,
Spread my color full wings,
Even tho-"

I cut him off by placing my hand over his mouth but you can still here loud muffles.

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