Remix Midnight Diamond Kireina-San Starstruck

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Okay, so asks if this Mary Sue is Mary Sue enough. Let's see how this goes. I'll be judging this as if it were a regular OC and me pointing out all the Mary Sue-ish stuff. Okay? Okay. Let's do this.

Name: Remix Midnight Diamond Kireina-San Starstruck. Goes by Remix.Age: Around her late teens.Species: Hedgehog/fox/rabbit hybrid.Looks: She has the tail of a fox, the body of a hedgehog, and the ears of a rabbit. She has bright multi-colored quills that are often put up in a braid. She often wears a blue t-shirt with blue jean shorts and green running shoes. She has heterochromia, where one eye is deep violet and the other a burning Amber.Personality: She's kind-hearted, strong, loyal, brave, witty, and hates when her friends are hurt.Bio: Remix never knew her mom and always assumed she was dead. Her dad is a drunk, her stepmom constantly works, and her step brother constantly harasses her. One day, she's caught in one of Eggman and Sonic's fights, and is eventually saved by the Blue Blur himself. They become near instant friends and over time he becomes her boyfriend.Later on in the story, Remix realizes her mother is Tikal in a different form and she gains powers from the Master Emerald. She has the ability to change chaos energy into anything physical (aka, makes angel wings or fire balls out of Chaos).

My opinion:

Okay. First things first, the name. NOBODY and I mean NOBODY has that long of a name. There's some people that have two middle names but that's very rare. Like...I only know one person with two middle names.

Uh, you think that having a three hybrid is good? Nah, no it isn't. That is very rare. And I mean very rare. The only way for that to happen is if one of her parents is a hybrid. So, for your convenience, I'm going to assume that the hybrid is the mother since she's dead.

Heterochromia!...Though through a quick google search I learn that there's more than 200,000 per year, how many people do you see with multicolor eyes? Very few, that's what. Also, I don't think that having a fox tail, a body of a hedgehog, and bunny ear are considered normal, even in the Sonic Universe.

Oh the bio...! The drama of her past that seems to have no affect on her personality at all! A common error that even I am guilty of! And of course she is saved by the main protagonist and instantly becomes their best friend and/or boyfriend! Then she discovers some special secret power that only she can use that makes you think, "Why have a protaginist if they're shined out by these people?!" Do I need to explain more?

How you could improve:

Why do we have this here?! Yo, producers! Why do we have this here for this?! Oh, I guess we have to have it here for some strange reason.

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