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someone knocks on the door. i open it and reveal Ethan standing on my porch. 

he smirks "hey"

"sup" i say popping the 'p'

he starts to walk in my house, but i put a hand on his chest

"where do you think you're going pretty boy?" i ask raising an eyebrow

"i was walking into your house"

"but-" i was cut off by Grayson walking up behind Ethan

my hand drops from Ethan's chest as Grayson walks up behind him. 

"what are you doing here Ethan?" Grayson asks

Ethan's smirk widens "oh you know, just chatting with Dakota"

"well we have plans so leave" Grayson says

"fine" he says to Grayson then turns towards me "see ya later sweet cheeks"

he turns away and starts to walk away "bye asshole" i yell after him

even though his back was turned, i knew he was smiling.

"so shall we?" Grayson asks offering me his hand

i laugh and grab his hand "we shall"


Ethan's POV

i walk into my favorite pizza place and order my favorite, pineapple pizza, before sitting at a booth. i hear a girl laughing and it catches my attention. i look over and see Dakota and Grayson sitting across from each other, sharing pizza. i feel jealous. why am i jealous of Dakota and Grayson? i don't have feelings. especially about girls.

my name is called and i grab my pizza. i see Dakota looking at my from the corner of my eye. i sit at the booth again and eat my pizza. i stare at them. i watch her squirm in her seat from the attention she's getting from me. she keeps touching her hair, anxious. she gets up and tells Grayson something before getting up and walking towards me. she sits right in front of me. she props her elbows on the table and rests her head on them. she looks at me inventively, watching me eat my pizza. i like the attention she's giving me and not my brother. 

i finish my last slice of pizza and look at the booth where they were sitting to see no one there. i look at her curiously.

"why are you here again?" i ask

"i just thought that since you love staring at me. i would do the same to you." 

with that, she stands up and turns away from me, walking out the door. i stand up and scramble to the door. she's leaning against the building watching the cars pass. i walk over to her and put one arm on each side of her face. 

"you thought you were so slick in there didn't you" i say

she reaches in her purse and pulls out a piece of gum. she unwraps it and puts in in my mouth. 

"chew this, then talk" she says

i feel her minty breath on my face and chew my gum, slightly embarrassed.

suddenly she starts laughing. it surprises me how loud her laugh is and how i find it adorable. 

"what?" i ask smiling

i mean how can you not smile with her laughing in front of your face.

she catches her breath "you got embarrassed because your breath was stinky and you were breathing in my face and-" she cuts herself off with even more laughing

my face heats up and i start to laugh with her. her laugh is so contagious. it just consumes me.

we eventually calm down and start to walk to her house. she's quiet and i can tell she's contemplating something because she chews the inside of her cheek when she's deep in thought, although i don't think she realizes that she does it.

"how come you act completely different when it's just you and me?" she asks

i think for a moment "i don't know really. i just feel like i can let my guard down when i'm around you. like i can forget about everything else and just focus on you"

she doesn't say anything, but continues to chew on the inside of her cheek

"what's on your mind?" i ask

"it just bothers me that you aren't this nice around everyone else. like only i get to see the soft side of you. i mean i love that you have a soft side and everything, but why not let everyone else see it?"

"when people see good. they expect good. and i don't want to live up to anyone's expectations"

she doesn't say anything after that. we walk in silence the rest of the way.

Dakota's POV

i don't know what to say after that. i mean he's got a good point, but if he was nice then there wouldn't be all these nasty rumors about him.

we reach my house and i open the door, walking inside

"so i'll see you later" he says turning away

"wait, do you maybe want to come in?" i ask

he turns around and smiles "sure"

we sit on the couch. i put my feet in his lap and he rests his hands on my ankles.

"are those rumors true?" i ask

"which ones?"

"all of them"

he looks down at my feet "no" 

"then how did they get started?" i ask wanting answers

"a girl got mad that i rejected her and she started making up tons of things. i eventually gave up trying to tell everyone differently and went with it. the rumors just became a part of me"

i sit up and take my feet off of him. i move closer and look into his eyes. i always thought they were beautiful. even when i thought he was a fuckboy.

"did you ever tell your brother this?" i ask

he looks away "no. he wouldn't believe me anyways."

silence took over the air and all i could hear was the sound of my heart thumping loudly in my chest.

"Ethan?" i ask

he turns his head towards me "yeah?"

i lean up and crash my lips onto his. i melt into the kiss as does he.

he suddenly pulls away "you can't tell anyone about this" he says before running out the door

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