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i walk with ethan, hand and hand, down the long hallway. everyone is staring at us and whispering, but i don't care.

we reach my locker and ethan whispers "they're staring at us just like i told you"

i kiss his cheek and his eyes widen "why'd you do that?"

"so that they'll look and talk more"

he smiles and kisses my cheek "good"


we sit with grayson and his friends at lunch for a whopping five minutes until the baddies walk over. the whole cafeteria goes silent, waiting and watching

"dude, drop the skank and let's go" derek says

i watch ethan's jaw clench before he stands up and towers over them "first of all, she's not a skank or anything close to that. she's a beautiful and intelligent woman. second, i will never drop her for some low-life scums that i use to hang out with. now kindly leave before this gets ugly"

"yeah, well does she know that we made a bet?" derek asks looking at me "we bet ethan that he couldn't get into your pants and take your virginity"

i look at ethan, tears brimming in my eyes "is that true?"

he just looks at me

i nod and run out of the cafeteria. i keep running until i stop in the parking lot. i drop to my knees and cry

a pair of arms comfort me. i look up and see grayson. i smile and accept his warm arms.

"let's get you home" he whispers into my hair

i nod and let him help me to his car

<ethan's pov>

i can't believe he brought that up. he knows that i backed out and he's taunting me with it.

i retrain myself from beating the shit out of him and go to find dakota. she's way more important.

i see her kneeling in the parking lot, sobbing. i start to walk towards her, but grayson beats me to it and runs out to her, wrapping his arms around her. she accepts them and walks with him to his car.

i need to make it up to her and show her that i backed out, but how?

<dakota's pov>

all that's going through my head is 'i was only a bet. i mean nothing to him. he only wanted to use me for sex'

"hey, he does truly like you. i'm sure it's just a mistake" gray says

i don't even care if i said those things out loud at this point

"did you know about it?"

"no, but i saw the way ethan looked at you and cared for you. if he wanted to get in some girl's pants, do you really think he would hold hands with her in front of the whole school. or defend her and drop his friends for her?"

"i don't know. it all just seems like an act"

grayson sighs "he's guilty, i'm sure, but he really likes you. trust me"

i sigh "fine. i'll let him explain"

gray smiles "thank you"

"your welcome" i whisper before resting my head on his shoulder and staring at my phone screen


ethan bursts through the door 20 minutes later

he has a huge teddy bear in his one hand and a box of chocolates in the other

he kneels in front of me "dakota please let me explain"

"go ahead"

he looks shocked that i gave in so soon, but wastes no time and starts explaining "in the beginning it was a bet. i truly don't know if i would've actually gone through with it, but it was something i was considering. it disgusts me, looking back, at how much of a pig i was. once i really got to know you, i realized that i didn't want to go through with it and i told them i didn't want to do it. they told me that if i didn't do it, they would tell the whole school about meredith. i didn't want that, so i told them i'd do it, even though i knew i wouldn't. i regret not letting them tell everyone. i was only worried about my stupid reputation, but i don't care about a reputation when i'm with you. when i kissed you that day, i felt something and it scared me. i haven't felt anything like that, not even with merewhore"

i hold back a giggle at 'merewhore'

"and when you came to me the next day, i knew that i had feelings for you. the kiss confirmed that. i really, truly care about you, dakota. i'm sorry that i didn't tell you any of this sooner. i just didn't want to loose you when i just got you, but i guess that i lost you anyways"

"oh and you can even go through the group chat if you don't believe me" he says handing me his phone

i look at the dark screen and decide not to turn it on, placing it next to me.

i then look at him and see that he has dropped the bear and chocolates and is staring at the floor with a defeated look

i get off the couch and sit on his lap. he looks at me with a confused expression "i believe you, ethan. and i really, truly care about you too"

he smiles and kisses me with so much passion

i pull away and sit on the couch. he sits next to me

"can we eat this chocolate now?" i ask

he laughs "hell yeah we can"

i laugh and lay my head on his chest as we watch a movie and binge on chocolate

god, i'm falling in love with this kid

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