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"did you know that i can touch my tongue to my nose?" ethan asks

i laugh "show me. show me. show me"

he smiles widely "alright, slow your roll, buttmunch"

i gasp "i am not a buttmunch" i whine like a stubborn six year old

he laughs and kisses my cheek "you're right. you're not a buttmunch"

i smile and kiss his lips "it's okay, buttface"

he gasps "i am not a buttface. take that back"

i look at him and can't help but burst out laughing. ethan tries to keep a straight face, but fails and laughs loudly with me

grayson walks in the door and looks at the us, raising his eyebrow causing me to laugh harder

ethan and i eventually calm down and grayson greets us "hey dakota. hey ethan"

"hey gray" we both say

grayson sits on a chair across from the couch that ethan and i are sitting on

"hey gray" i start

"i know that tone. what do you want?" he asks sighing

"it's not a thing, really..."

"what is it?"

"i want you to be happy. are you happy?" i say

"i am happy" he says convincingly but the crack in his voice gives him away

i jump up from my seat and straddle grayson's lap. not in a sexual way. we are just friends and gray knows that

"gray what's wrong?"

he opens his mouth but then closes it and looks at ethan who is staring at the two of us.

"e, can you give us a few moments alone?" i ask

he sighs but obeys and walks upstairs

grayson waits for the door to close before talking "don't get me wrong, i'm happy for you and ethan. you changed him for the better and i'm eternally grateful for that, but i wish that i had someone. i want the relationship that the two of you have. i want to have a girl to cherish and hold. i want a girl so badly, but no one will date me. is there something wrong with me?"

i wipe a single tear that has fallen from grayson's eye "it is a privileged to date you, gray. it's just that no girl has gotten the privilege to date you yet. you will find someone. i know it"

he nods. i pull him in for a hug and he gladly accepts. we stay there, hugging for a while until he lets go and looks into my eyes "thank you. i needed that"

i smile "your welcome"

"now go to your man" he laughs

i laugh and jump off his lap, running up the stairs and jumping on ethan's bed

he smiles and immediately wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his warm embrace

we lay there for a while in peace, one warm body on another "we need to find grayson a girl" i mumble

"let the world do it. let him find her or let her find him. if it's meant to be then it will happen"

"yeah, you're right. i just want him to be happy"

he sighs and kisses the top of my head "i know. i want him to be happy too"

*the next day*

i jump out of bed and run to the kitchen, one word on my mind 'coffee'

i see grayson starting to make the coffee, but i stop him "let's get starbucks"

"fine" he says and puts the coffee down

"come on" i urge, impatient

he looks down at his clothing "in this?" he asks gesturing to his sweatpants and t-shirt

i shrug "yeah. now let's go"


i tell the barista my order as well as ethan's before stepping to the side, allowing gray to order.

she smiles at him and takes his order before telling him the total. i jump in to pay but gray swats me away "ethan would kill me if i let his girlfriend pay for his coffee"

the barista smiled wider after hearing that gray was single, but he didn't even notice

we find a seat to sit and wait for our drinks "gray, she was totally checking you out"

he blushes "she was?"

i nod "you should ask her out"

"like this?" he asks gesturing to his pajamas, panicking

i roll my eyes "you look fine"

"but-" he gets cut off by the barista calling out names

on grayson's cup was a sticky note 'meet me here at 2. btw cute pjs'

i laugh as i read it and grayson blushes "looks like someone has a date"

he laughs and blushes again "i guess so"


"grayson has a date. grayson has a date" i yell jumping up and down like a little kid

he laughs "haha you can stop now"

ethan puts a hand on gray's shoulder "go get her, bup"

gray smiles "i will try"

i run to him and hug him "you'll do great. i know it"

he smiles wider before checking the time again "i've got to leave, see you guys later"

ethan and i wave "bye"

i grab ethan's hand and pull him to the couch. i crawl onto his lap and straddle him. i look down into his sparkling hazel green eyes and whisper three words that have been on my mind for a while

"i love you"

ethan smiles widely "i love you"

we are both silent for a few minutes, until ethan breaks it "that was the first time that we said that to each other"

i nod and kiss him

god, i'm in love with this boy

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